Hungry Hungry Hippie

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race recap (and some food)

Sunday may as well have been re-named half marathon day.  It’s all I’ve been thinking about for the past month.  I could hardly sleep last night my nerves were going berserk.  Even though I consider myself a runner, and I exercise regularly, training for a concrete event (13+ miles no less) is very different than simply running to get your endorphins flowing.  The longest organized race I’ve ever participated in was a 10K, which I really really enjoyed.  So I figured it was time to step up to the plate.  Half marathon, here I come…. Read more >

1 hour, 43 minutes

Of torture!!!! But I am proud to say I completed my first half marathon (!!)…and I’m still alive to tell you all about it!! My final time (according to my iPod stopwatch) was 1:43:27 Not too bad considering my goal was to finish not come in last.  I actually kinda kicked some ass. 

how nutty

Sometimes I’m a walking contradiction.  Case in point: nuts are not my thing, nut butters on the other hand, are TOTALLY my thing.  I am not very vocal about my distaste for nuts, because, well, frankly, it’s a bit embarrassing in this food blog community.  But today, I broke out of my shell (pun intended) and had my first nut milk experience.  **A HUGE thanks to everyone who commented with recommendations on my previous post about non-milk milks.** As for the almond milk…It was…interesting?  I can’t even think of any way to describe it.  Definitely… Read more >

Tandoori Friday & some firsts

Shocker of all shockers…I actually had work today, I know, I know, you all forgot I even HAD a job because I’ve had so many consecutive days off… Naturally I packed all my goodies the night before in my re-re-recycled containers (once a hippie, always a hippie). But wait, let’s rewind to the day before (aka prepping). Since we have been in our brand new apartment with it’s brand new kitchen appliances for over a week, I felt the time had come to pop our oven’s cherry.  Long overdue. Plus, I was feeling creative…and we… Read more >

oranges, oranges, oranges

Overdose alert!!  I kinda went crazy with the naranjas today (fyi that’s oranges in Spanish).  So now that I’ve fulfilled Elise’s daily cultural lesson for all you non-espanol-ers out there, I’ll continue on with today’s post.  Gringo, much?   I made this one with soymilk, but I am SO excited to go shopping today for a new non-milk milk.  Can I just say how amazing this blogging community is?!?  Seriously, I have a question, and I turn to you all, and voila, answer! So a HUGE thanks for all your suggestions!  Seriously, you guys rock…. Read more >