Working and grazing
(At the crack of AM) breakfast: Coffee. Froth. CranBran Vitatop. Off to work. Snack: Newman’s Own Organic Honey Wheat Pretzels I ate these all day long, and finished the whole bag myself. Addicting, for sure. I rarely buy pretz because of this very phenomenon. I especially loved this honey wheat flavor, though, because it has the perfect combination of salty and sweet – way better than regular pretzels. The huge salt crystals kinda ripped up the roof of my mouth though. I think that’s my issue though, not Newman’s Own. I swear I’ve gained 5… Read more >
May 7, 2009 almonds, Alvarado Street bread, broccoli slaw, chickpeas, hummus, nutbutter, soy milk, VitaTops, WF tofu Read more >