Hungry Hungry Hippie

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hummus soup

Sundays = the end of the weekend SAD! Unfortunately, this Sunday was especially blah. The cloudy, overcast weather pretty much reflected how I felt.  Enter caffeine love. In the interest of preserving my current mood, I’m going to stop reflecting on yesterday’s thoughts…just know I was kinda a Debbie Downer all day.  I’m not sure why, as there was no true reason I should feel gloomy – I was just stuck in a funk. Blueberry chobz + dried papaya spears + apple slices + melon = pretty fruity breakfast! After my AM sugar loading, I… Read more >

6.2 dripping wet miles

Rise and shine sleepy heads…time to run a 10K!  Weekends are the best, the BEST! Although the weather was looking pretty ominous, Kyle and I dragged our feet to the park for the 9 am start.  After we were adequately packed herded into our corrals, the horn blew, and we nudged our way forward to the actual start line…next thing I know, it’s freakin’ POURING.  Like, massive sheets of rain.  My pants, shoes, and socks absorbed so much water I felt like I had an additional 20 lbs. in my lower body.  It was like… Read more >

MY place

Workity work. I was up with the cock-a-doodle-doo this morning…I’m not sure why, but for the fifth day in a row I woke up at 4 am on the dot (without my alarm even going off).  Whatever.  I dragged myself to the subway, and woke up a bit more along the way… What’s there to say.  Work was work was work was work.  I was craaaazy busy all day, but not really in a good way.  I felt like I was in slow motion and I couldn’t get myself organized, which is so unlike me.  Blah. … Read more >

LAME-o was her NAME-o

I woke up super early for work today, washed my face, brushed my teeth, threw my afro into a pony, and grabbed my pre-packed lunch from the fridge…when the day kinda took a rough turn… Tumbler full of coffee meet hardwood floor.    Blog world meet the culprit. **Gena, I TOLD you I shouldn’t be trusted with a cleaver!!! I headed off to work grumpy and non-caffeinated.  Not a great start to the day. Today’s pre-packed eats: Big ‘ol salad, strawberry/pomegranate odwalla bar, apple, dried papaya spears and mangoes.  Spinach, broccoli slaw, shredded carrots, clover… Read more >

Tummy says RAWrrrr

I slept in forever today!  Initially, I got up at 8, but decided a few more minutes of shut-eye couldn’t hurt…next thing I know, it’s 10 am!!  Whoa, I can’t even remember the last time I slept in that late.  Generally I feel like I’m starting off the day behind when I miss so much of the morning, but to be honest, getting in the extra zzzz’s today felt glorious. Coffee + crossword = happy grandpa Elise Newman’s Own organic raisins are gooey and I like it.  I drowned a few handfuls in my strawberry… Read more >