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Because yesterday’s post prompted such passionate and wonderful comments (I love you guys!!!), I’d like to post my response, just in case some people don’t check follow up answers in the comment section. This is just such a great discussion matter… First off, can I just say how PROUD I am of the responses I have gotten on this issue, not just as a (self proclaimed) foodie, but as a female in general! You all are absolutely right, it can be a slippery slope from checking portion sizes to obsessively counting each and every calorie… Read more >
May 23, 2009
Alvarado Street bread, edamame, greek yogurt, hummus, seitan, soy milk, veggie "cheese", VitaTops
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The sun came out of hibernation today! It was glorious. I forgot what it felt like to have 90 degree rays beaming down on me. Soak it up baby, soak it up. I should mention Wed night after I posted I had toasted Alvarado Street bread with peanut butter and carob chips. I’m not usually a late night eater (at least I try to avoid it) but this new purchase had to be tested. It passed. Waaaaay passed. So all Thursday long, I thought it was Friday. I keep getting confused on the days of… Read more >
May 22, 2009
carob chips, dates, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, hummus, peanut butter, tortilla wrap, VitaTops
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“How Rude!” The day started off like any other – up and at ‘em with the sun. I even got up 10 minutes early to do a quickie “rise & shine” yoga (gracias a Exercise TV on demand). I usually don’t do this for fear of waking up Kyle at 5 am – but since he’s away, I decided to take advantage. It felt grrrrrreat! Even though it was little more than stretching, it definitely got me energized. Blood flowing. Ready for work. Then things got weird. Not with me. Fortunately, the drama on the… Read more >
May 21, 2009
dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, dried pineapple, edamame, hummus, odwalla bar, raw, vegan pudding
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Let’s get down to it. Woke up at 4:45, hopped on the subway, fueled up at the ‘bucks, and started my day. Do I really need to explain these? My work day eats are so boring and repetitive. I’ll admit, it’s a little heavy on the dried fruit…but my fiancé is in the Jerz for a conference, so…you know…(wink wink) I had lots of coffee, too. It was v. necessary since I was yawning at a rate of 7 times/minute. The day was pretty chill…there were no cases today, and my other patients were… Read more >
May 20, 2009
big salad, carob covered raisins, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, edamame, hummus, odwalla bar, peanut butter, seaweed, spinach salad, veggie chips
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Hi Kids! How are you all on this fine Monday! I’m feeling pretty fab myself, despite the 50 degree weather. I thought winter was over, but apparently not… After yesterday’s late night grub sesh I thought I wouldn’t be very hungry until later in the morning, but I woke up with the same hankering appetite as usual. I guess that just goes to show you, when you listen to your body (even if it tells you it wants 4 Vita Muffins with peanut butter at 11 PM), you can’t do too much damage. I’d also… Read more >
May 19, 2009
Alvarado Street bread, carob covered raisins, dates, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, dried pineapple, greek yogurt, soy milk, squash, vegan parmesan cheese, veggie burger
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