Hungry Hungry Hippie

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The end of the work weekend brings peace(food)

Sunday started much the same as Saturday, with the buzzzz of my alarm clock at 5 am.  Boo :(  At least I had all this deliciousness to look forward to… Dried fruit (figs, mangoes), real fruit (apple), bars (TJ’s Trek Mix, Jocolat’s newest flavor – more below on that), pistachio/almond/goji mix, sabra mini-tub of hummus, and a huge GREEN BEAST of a salad. Cruciferous much?  Seriously, could there BE more green in this salad?  On top of the bed of spinach and the broccoli slaw was even more broccoli.  T’was perfection in the raw-est of… Read more >

I’d rather be in Boston

I wouldn’t even know where to begin.  It was such a stressful (work filled) weekend, I’m just glad it’s over and I made it through.  I am far too exhausted to type, so I won’t be sharing the latest ICU happs.  Instead, I’ll stick to the food. Saturday’s pre-packed snacks/lunch included some oldies (pistachio, almond, goji, dried cranz mix), TJ’s “Go Rah” Trek Mix bar, dried fruit, yadda yadda – and some newbies.  I have seen these MoJo bars throughout the blog world before, but thought they were some urban legend.  Turns out, they are… Read more >

Dave’s Killer Bread

I almost titled this post “my love affair with Dave,” but something tells me that if this were the one post title Kyle did choose to read, he wouldn’t be so amused. That said, I am, in fact, in love. Just say no to bread on drugs!  Please take note of the seedy goodness.  I took several glamour shots, so bear with me (and if you’re curious, yes, it tasted just as good, if not better, than it photographed).  And just what do you suppose I chose to accompany this lovely carb?  That, should be… Read more >

Cancelled plans, One Lucky Duck

Were you all on the edge of your seat over today’s lunch surprise?  :)  Probably NOT since it’s no secret I’ve been after these elusive PB&J Larabars forever!  These were NOTHING short of perfection.  I have no clue how they do it, but these bars truly do taste just like peanut butter and jelly sammiches.  Even the smell when I unwrapped it took me back to my school lunches from back in the day.  I’m in love.  Good thing I bought a few…these babies were harder to track down than Bin Laden (but much more… Read more >

Keep Calm and Carry On

This is a mantra I rely on heavily at work…so you can imagine my excitement when I discovered they sold these historic posters (obviously I bought one).  You can read about the history here, but basically, I use it to keep me from freaking out when patient’s are about to code, or I’m racing frantically to get them to a stable state, pushing IVs and slapping defib pads on the patient…you know…day to day things. I bought the large poster, and they sent along a mini-card too (above) which subsequently went in my wallet to… Read more >