Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Down with the sickness

I loved hearing about all your PM routines!  Such planners we all are.  Well, most of us… I have to say, it’s a little reassuring to know there are other freaks out there just like me. As I said before, I was kinda behind getting my ducks in a row on Thursday night.  As a result, I expended minimal energy making this lunch (probably a 2 out of 10 on the effort scale).  Basically, I just kept adding more snacks in the hopes that the next day there would be at least something I wanted… Read more >

Let’s get physical

I started the day with a raging headache.  WTF?!  No fair >:( Nothing a little caffeine couldn’t fix, right?  Wrong.  So, I pulled out the big guns Excedrin and distracted myself with brekkie until the meds kicked in. Food = happy hippie.  Not the most inspiring meals.  Sorry. I did make a fabulous lunch to make up for it, though.  Dave’s Killer Bread (I’m down to my last slices, eek!), CAKED with tofummus, spinach, and LightLife’s Smart Deli “turkey.” CAKED I tell ya… See it and weep.  After my tummy was satisfied, I decided to… Read more >

White UN-cheese sauce

I’m gonna gloss over my AM eats because they weren’t too interesting. If I were on Top Chef I’d call it a de-constructed smoothie, but I’m not, so for blog purposes it’s simply frozen nanner slices in a Blueberry Chobz.  Told you I like bananas Jess! Lunch was a fantastic plate of yum.  On a bed of fancy shmancy lettuce and broccoli slaw, I added my WF baked tofu leftovers, baby carrots, and a few blobs of tofummus. I was feelin’ the ‘fu BIG TIME.  Mmmm… Perfectly protein packed.  I’m already on my second batch… Read more >

I labored all day

Cha-ching!!  Hear that?  That’s the sound of the $$ being deposited in my bank account after working a holiday.  Time and a half, yes please! (Sadly, I have a feeling the influx of cash flow on my end is probably barely enough to cover the amount oozing out of my better half while he is living it up in Vegas…) I gave the tropical fruit Larabar another shot (but ONLY for you Julie!) and I’m sorry to say, I still wasn’t a fan.  Want the proof?  I actually threw out the uneaten half.  Now, I’m… Read more >


Tofu + chickpeas = tofummus?  It’s honestly the best thing ever.  Hear that Sabra?  Consider this your warning…you MAY have been dethroned. I will hold off on this latest obsession for now… First things first.  Work. It. For some reason the unit was -19 degrees today, which is the rationale I’m using to explain why I ate > 5000 kcals in 20 hours.  Food = warmth, right?  I’m pretty sure Einstein already proved that theory, so I won’t take all the credit.  But in all no seriousness, I had goosebumps and was shivering all morning… Read more >