Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Clean Food to recoup

I called in sick today.  :(  I couldn’t help but feel that I would be doing more harm than good for my patients.  Healing hands?  Not so much.  So, rather than pass on my germies, I opted to keep my infectiousness to myself.  Hoarder!   You know I’m feeling bad when I bring out this bad boy.  My entire fist fits in this mug, I LOVE it :D  Half coffee, half leche, half froth.  Yes, the mug was SO big, the laws of mathematics didn’t even apply – it fit 3/2 in it.  Notice the… Read more >

Is sloth really a vice?

I have been putting EVERY effort into helping my body heal, so after several consecutive days of working, I was really looking forward to sleeping in and skipping the gym.  I slothed it up on the couch all day long.  I kid you not.  ALL.DAY.LONG.  What goes with laziness?  TV and grub.  Enter DVR and a marathon of breakfasts. My toast with Smart Balance light (it’s vegan, yo) didn’t hold me over very long, so an hour later I opted for a bowl of granola to supplement my brekkie (and a super overflowing cup of… Read more >

Making love to my Luna

I hereby dedicate this post to everyone who has de-lurked lately.  I LOVE hearing from you all, and it makes me so happy to know that you get ideas from my blog.  That said, several peeps have been asking for tips on packing lunches.  Well, I aim to please, so here’s a post packed with some of my latest eats that I have brought to work.  Lord knows, it’s hard to prep for 12 hour shifts, especially when you have no clue when (or IF) you will get breaks to eat.  So, I do rely… Read more >

Products & produce

What’s with the latest crazies?  Kanye?  Serena?  Lady Gaga?  (Although at least her kind of crazy is not malicious).  Medications people, stick to the MD recommended schedule. Froth.  Mmmm.  I haven’t been noshing on very many blog-worthy eats lately, so here’s a recap of some past products I have tried (some adored).   Dessert HUMMUS!?!  Yes, friends, yes, I did.  The Original Crazy Camel Dessert Hummus has struck gold with this delish treat.  In the words of my Brookie boo Y.B. With apples – yum.  With Dave’s Killer Bread – yummer.  Straight up with a spoon… Read more >

Econ 101

Question: In the current economy, how do you avoid associating food with $? I can’t help but feel like NOT finishing my meal is the exact same thing as wasting money.  Like, unless I polish off my plate, I’m basically throwing my hard earned cash down the drain. Jillian once mentioned she had this problem, but her solution wasn’t realistic in my opinion.  I’m not talking about portions served to me while dining out.  In my opinion, going to nice restaurants is a luxury and is all about the experience (so the high(er) prices are… Read more >