Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Turn that frown upside down

You all give me such love.  I swear.  Each and every comment about my stressed out blog hiatus filled my heart.  Since I don’t wanna be Debbie Downer, rather than rehash all the reasons why the past few days of work sucked, I’ll just brush that dirt off my shoulder, and move the eff on.  On a positive note, there were a couple of pretty sweet things that happened this week that cheered me up and (nearly) snapped me right out of my funk.  The first was Tuesday’s dinner at Galanga, a small thai restaurant… Read more >

Food (with a side of drama)

Hey HEY Hey!  Long time no see… I know, my bad.  I didn’t mean to leave you high and dry, but sometimes I get soopah stressed.  When that happens, unfortunately, the blog is the first to take a seat on the sidelines… It all started to pile up last weekend.  There were actually a few different factors contributing to this, but I will only get to part of that now. I was really busy and unable to get my gym time in, which doesn’t matter when it’s one day, but after a few I start… Read more >

A day in the life of Kyle

No worries.  I’m alive.  However, I have been super busy…I will fill you in on most of the deets later.  But, in the mean time, may I present to you a post written so long ago that I completely forgot about it… Brekkie of champions.  Hash browns a la Kyle (chop, PAM, sizzle, salt, pepper, eat) with 2 eggs on the side.  Note the ketchup on the sidelines just waiting to be called in. Dueling coffee (mine is the frothy white cup on the left, Kyle’s is the nearly black mug on the right).  For… Read more >

Run Fat Boy Run

I sat on the couch all day today.  I did NO exercise, and worse yet, I barely moved my butt even within my own apartment.  In fact, the only reason I ditched my PJs and left my 600 square foot haven was to pick up my freshly pressed dress for this weekend.  But, the dry cleaners is less than 3 blocks from the apartment, so I expended less than 5 calories (and even that is being generous).  Meh.  I’m not pleased with my fitness-less day, but at the same time, I don’t really care.  I… Read more >

Is Steve-o really vegan?

I’m all about VeganMoFo.  October is already my favorite month, so I was delighted to read Gena’s latest post and find out that there is yet ANOTHER reason to smile now that it’s October.  I mean, why not dedicate an entire month to celebrating a healthy lifestyle!  In honor of this special Vegan Month Of Food, in each post I am going to reveal a celebrity who is vegan.  Today’s vegan celeb was someone I was QUITE surprised about…I mean after years of torturing himself for entertainment purposes, who would ever have expected STEVE-O to… Read more >