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If I had to design a perfect birthday weekend, I definitely wouldn’t include two days of work. Unfortunately, my boss didn’t agree. I guess I can’t really complain about it though, since I just got back from a week vacay in CA. I was totally prepared with a buncha pre-packed food. Fruit, of the dried persuasion, included mango and pear slices, as well as a strawberry chewy-thingy (Nike race freebie), while fresh fruit was limited to a smallish apple. I also bar-ed it up with the Blueberry Crisp flavored Clif, and a Cashew Cookie Larabar. … Read more >
October 27, 2009
chickpeas, clif bar, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, ground "meat", hummus, Indian food, larabar, naan, nooch, raw, seaweed, smoothie, spinach salad, tofu, tofu salad, vegan meatballs, zucchini
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Yes, there is a giveaway at the end of this post. And yes, it’s sweet. But before you get to that, you have to endure my birthday ramblings. First of all, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a happy birthday the other day. It was so amazing to be bombarded with your lovely comments – I definitely felt the blog love. My coffee was feeling it too. I woke up with a huge grin on my face. Hmmm…that’s odd, who in their right mind is thrilled to be older? (whatever…I’ll go with… Read more >
October 26, 2009
agave, beans, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, chickpeas, hummus, potatoes, pumpkin, vegan cake, vegan cookies
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I’m 27 today!!! And I’m gonna partay chow chow like it’s my birthday! In lieu of a birthday post (which I will save for tomorrow) I am going to instead share yesterday’s eats, as well as my offish results from the San Francisco Nike Marathon…I actually have plans for today that don’t involve working or blogging 🙂 By now, you all know I love running. I ALSO happen to love my readers (which is a simple and very understated way to put it, but for now it will have to do). So, when a certain… Read more >
October 23, 2009
pumpkin, quinoa, seaweed, soy nuts, Stevia, sushi, tofu, vegan cookies, WF tofu
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Looks like I brought the sunny CA weather back East with me, huh? Let’s hope it lasts. My camera died mid-lunch prep, so only 75% of my pre-packed eats are shown below. Ellie’s presents came in handy with my lunch prep. First up, the Tokyo Seaweed Salad, which I chose because I had extra Arame seaweed to use from yesterday’s lunch. I mixed the rest of the arame (on the left) with half the Tokyo Seaweed salad and added it to a fistful of spinach. I added raisins after the photo because it looked too… Read more >
October 22, 2009
"chicken" spread, agave, brussels sprouts, clif bar, dried mixed fruit, english muffins, hummus, seaweed, smoothie, spinach salad
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I can hardly keep my eyes open. Red-eye flights kinda suck, huh. But I guess all flights kinda suck. No matta, I’m back in the NYCizzle. I miss home already, but look at all the goodies I came home to!!! Let birthday week begin!! The first package was full of Averie’s raw vegan macaroons and donut holes, which smelled SO dang heavenly, I waited all of 5 seconds before digging into them. Oh, wow. I’m pretty jealous of her taste tester daughter – someone get this girl her own bakery. The macaroons were coconutty and… Read more >
October 22, 2009
carob chips, clif bar, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, dried pineapple, hummus, larabar, seaweed, spinach salad, tofu, tofu salad, turkey spread, vegan cake, vegan cookies, veggie burger
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