Hungry Hungry Hippie

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So you want to know a little more, huh?

Ever since I asked you all for Q&A ideas, my inbox has been flooded with your questions.   Wow.  I am loving answering them, and I’m hardly even half way through! For now, here is my answer to the easiest (and most popular) question of all (you guys are such romantics!). The story of how/where me and my beau met. Quite simply, Kyle and I met at our on-campus job at UCLA.  Not that I’m advocating inter-personnel relations, but dipping my pen in the company ink proved to be quite effective in my case 😉 He… Read more >

Ode to the in-laws

It’s no wonder people are scared of their significant other’s parents; with movies like Meet the Parents, in-laws get a pretty bad rap.  Fortunately for me, this stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth.  I just got back from a weekend+ getaway with Kyle’s family and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining his family than if they were the sole heirs to the Whole Foods chain.  Not only are they amazingly accepting of my vegan lifestyle, but they go above and beyond to accommodate it, to the point of straight up spoiling me!… Read more >

About me update?

So I’ve been thinking. At first I was going to maybe update my “about me” section, but it’s hard to write about yourself out of the blue without any prompts.  So then I figured why not just ask you guys what you want to know.  I’m fairly open about my life on my blog, but who doesn’t like a good Q&A sesh, right?  Feel free to hit me up with questions and I’ll compose a post with the answers in a few days when I get back to normal after my West Coast holiday.  It’ll… Read more >

91 Thanksgiving posts

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! Quite frankly, I delayed writing this post because I felt like everyone else’s thanksgiving eats were way more blog-worthy (and there were a LOT of them).  Plus, I didn’t get home from work until after 8 pm and all I wanted to do at that point was put on my PJs, watch football (slash Home Alone), and stuff my face (not in that order).  On a holiday such as this, it would feel weird to eat before giving thanks, and so I feel as though I should acknowledge what I’m grateful for… Read more >

Bora Bora Organic Foods

A few days ago I got a wonderful surprise on my doorstep from Nicole of Bora Bora Organic Foods. She had contacted me a while ago about trying their product and after taking a trip to their website, I jumped at the chance. Their bars are: USDA Certified Organic No Refined Sugars No Preservatives Gluten Free Non GMO Non Dairy Vegan Kosher Zero Trans-Fats No Soy Ummm, sign me up! What cute packaging!  In addition to the t-shirt, temporary tattoos, and tiki mug, the package included four bars: Tiki Blueberry Flax, Tribal Cinnamon Oatmeal, Island… Read more >