Hungry Hungry Hippie

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A weighty post

J’adore all the recent commenters! Keep delurking peeps, it’s great hear from ya :)  My love cup is full (yes, I just quoted Vicki, cringe).  After the (above) overflowing frothy cuppa java, I was at a serious crossroads.  I wanted more caffeine, but I also wanted chocolate.  Such a dilemma!    Solution: MOCHA!  I combined coffee, Chatfield’s cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and agave nectar.  It was heavenly.  I mistakenly took a sip before taking a photo (which was only a mistake because it was SO dang good that half the cup was in my tummy… Read more >

Back in action

It takes just one full day of my regular hippie eating to get me back in the swing of things.  Today was perfect.  I started the day with foamy coffee and a massive bowl tupperware of oats.  Explanation behind the use of tupperware?  Well, I had planned on making overnight oats for work the previous day, but I completely forgot about it in the morning.  (It’s already a challenge for me to transport my regular pre-packed lunches, so adding another tupperware was the straw that broke the camel’s back my backpack) Forgetting the oats worked… Read more >

Lunch chit chat

I know at the end of my last post I said I would be back to regular blogging this weekend…ummm…oops!?  So much for that one.  Truth be told, I’ve been having a rough time getting back into the swing of things after my trip to the West Coast.  😕 Trust me when I say the lack of photos is no loss on your end.  I’ve eaten my way into a black hole of snackfood consisting primarily of peanut butter, hummus, and pretzels.  6 (six!!) tubs have fallen victim to my voracious appetite in the past… Read more >

A day of flying

Flying from Bellingham to Seattle to SFO to JFK required some SERIOUS eats.  Fortunately I had vegan options up the yin yang gracias a Mr. and Mrs. Kyle. 8 am – medjools   9 am – board flight #1 10 am – land in seattle 10:30 am – set up shop in starbucks (implied caffeination x2) 11 am – open “family size” bag of Glutino pretzels 11 – 12 pm – lose track of time AND number of pretzels consumed thanks to the hottness that is Puck [swoon] 12:30 pm – mad dash to board… Read more >

My path to semi-vegan-ness

In continuing the Q&A session…the next question on the agenda is why and how did I come to be vegan? I figure if you know me in real life or read on a semi-reg basis, you know how I eat.  Vegan shmegan.  I’m not big on labels, and my food preferences are more motivated by how my GI system reacts, not so much my personal feelings on consuming animal products.  That said, this answer requires far more extensive background info, so I’ll start from the beginning.  My mom is (was) a vegetarian and raised the… Read more >