Hungry Hungry Hippie

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In the words of Erin…

The days of froth have returned.  The holidays are all about decadence right? My morning cups of coffee have been quite elaborate as of late.  I think the cold weather brings it out.  This one was less than 50% coffee.  The rest was cocoa powder, stevia, coconut milk “creamer” froth, and a partridge in a pear tree candy cane.  YUM-AY I also had a cup of Chai tea.  In case you haven’t noticed, I’m obsessed with Chai tea lately.  It probably has more to do with the way it warms me up than anything else… Read more >

Hark! Christmas is here, bringing good cheer

Working on the holidays isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I realize there are worse things (like being a patient).  So I tried to make the most of it, and celebrated regardless.  I was working with my fave co-RNs, too, which helped make the day fun, rather than depressing.  Last night, in an effort to get to bed on time, I threw this lunch together way too fast.  I’d like to blame the lack of groceries on my desire to save $$ and use up what’s currently in the deepest depths of the pantry,… Read more >

A recipe and a present

Merry Christmas everyone!!  Unfortunately, I worked today (Christmas day), but yesterday (Christmas eve) was fun for several reasons. 1.  I got the day off of work (although I still had to wake up at 5 am to make sure nobody called in sick…kinda like being an on-call RN). 2.  I had a great brekkie. 2.  I talked to Kyle on the phone while opening my present from him. The Hungry Hungry Hippie Chronicles, Vol. I Sooooo cool!!! Every post from 2008 and some from 2009…all bound in a beautiful book. Thanks K love 🙂 3. … Read more >

Dinner at Del Posto

I can’t even put into words what this restaurant experience was like.  As their mission statement says, Del Posto creates the highest quality dining experience in what is one of the greatest indoor spaces in New York City. Without projecting stilted formality, they offer an ambiance filled with warmth buoyancy and lightheartedness of the Italian spirit. And that translated to one of the most fabulous dining experiences I have ever had.  Mario Batali’s name carries great weight in the restaurant world, and this meal lived up to everything I expected and more.  I had heard… Read more >

Lunch at Fig & Olive

I consider myself a foodie, but my parents are foodies to the extreme, especially my dad.  So when money is no obstacle, you can betchur bottom dollar that I’m going to take advantage.  So what do I do when my parents are in town?  I turn to my Zagat’s top 20 list.  After a morning full of shows and shopping in midtown, we were ready for a lunch break, and so we found ourselves at Fig & Olive.  As you know, I’m always on board with Mediterranean food, and since I’d been eyeing this place… Read more >