Hungry Hungry Hippie

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One of these days

…I’ll be at a NYE party that is klassy and doesn’t involve plastic red cups. …this will be enough EtOH for a group of 20. (this was only 1/3 of the actual drank) …”dinner” will not mean chips, salsa, pretz, and chocolate… …or B- and fruit. …five sips of champagne won’t give me the drunkface “glow.”   …sledding with my sisters will not involve my dad’s overall ski-outfit from the 70’s. …we will get an accurate head count before piling into a car with one too few seats (there are a couple of people not… Read more >

Dinner at Hearth

I finally got the pictures from our dinner at Hearth (from when my parents were visiting me in NYC), so here is a long overdue post. After eating WAY too much vegan chocolate double cake throughout my work shift, I wasn’t exactly starving as I entered Marco Canoro’s restaurant.  Still, with the numerous awards and praise that Hearth has received, I was willing to overlook my lack of appetite.  Plus, this place is within minutes of the hospital and I’ve been wanting to try it for a while.  Dining at another award winning spot with… Read more >

Packin’ up an headin’ out

This morning I woke up with a mission.  My one and only goal for the day was to finish off the bottomless bag of Stacy’s Pita chips.  That’s it.  Coffee, whatever.  Exercise, puh-lease.  I simply wanted THESE deliciously addictive, wonderfully horrible, pita chips out of my apartment life.  The way these mothahs taunt me is inexplicable… And lemme tell you, when I set my mind to something, I get ‘er done. Stacy says the bag has 28 servings.  Elise says 8.  I wish Stacy were right, but the reality is she’s way off base.  Like… Read more >

Tick Tock

Last day of work before I go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Today’s shift seemed like the longest countdown of my life.  I was actually pretty busy with my patient load, but I was still hyper-aware of the time left ‘til I was home freeeeeeeee. Here’s what I had packed up: I spy with my little eye…MORE pita chips (damn you Stacy), two freakishly large apples, a Chocolate Brownie Z bar, White Chocolate Macadamia Luna bar, Blueberry Crisp Clif bar, and a fiberrrrific MONSTA salad. Holy veggie-loading.  This salad contained: steamed kale, raw spinach, cukes, steamed carrots, cherry tomatoes,… Read more >

Work and what-not

I made a Mexi-kale salad for lunch.  Sure, I just coined the term, but I think it fits.  On top of the kale was wakame seaweed, butternut squash, cherry tomatoes, black beans, and some salsa (added later so it wouldn’t sogg-ify).  Yes, I realize the involvement of seaweed in a south-of-the-border themed salad may be a bit of a stretch, but can’t I just claim poetic license on this one? To complete the (admittedly weak) Mexi theme, I also had a baggy of Brad’s Blues All Natural blue corn tortilla chips which added the perfect… Read more >