Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Freak’n week’nd

As far as work weekends go, this one was pretty sweet.  For some reason I was only scheduled to work Saturday (weird)…so having both Sunday AND Monday off basically felt like a full weekend.  I’ll take it! As a result, I had some QT with my beau PLUS I got in some decent exercise.  Being January and all, my typical intensity of exercise has been scrapped and I have very minimal goals: get sweaty on my days off of work.  Granted, I don’t have any actual goals or anything for the non-winter seasons, but in… Read more >

Vegan “buttery” mashed UNpotatoes

   Ingredients 1 big ‘ol parsnip (check out the fatty below) 1/2 cup cauliflower florets (approx 1 medium sized head) 1/4 cup butternut squash (approx 4 large chunks) 1 tsp miso paste (optional) 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 1/3 cup nondairy milk (I’m a fan of rice milk or coconut milk) salt & pepper to taste Instructions First peel the parsnip (I don’t go out of my way to get all the exterior off, just a loose skinning to get off the major ickies).  Then, chop and steam the crap out of the veggies (the mushier… Read more >

Heat wave?

Isn’t it AMAZE how much better 40 degree weather is than 20!?!  (200% better to be exact) I have been so happy with this weeks “heat” wave, yesterday I almost felt like running through the streets naked…well, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but I was pleased to say the least.  What’s even crazier was the fact that the heaters in my patients’ rooms were cranked up so high that they all had their windows open…and it actually felt nice to have a chilly breeze.  What is this?  I’m too young for hot flashes, and it’s… Read more >

V card

You may or may not remember this, but I have monthly dinner dates with my oldest girlfriends.  We all live in different areas in Manhattan, so in order to get to know each others’ hoods we alternate who chooses the place (forcing me to leave my comfort zone of UWS dining).  This month was MY pick, which was a relief since the past two dinners have taken me an embarrassing amount of time to find (the village is RIDIC confusing and I’m lucky if I end up retracing my steps only 3 times).  Usually I… Read more >

Guess who’s back

Shady’s back Nope.  That’s not right.  It’s ME (duh). I just couldn’t stay away from ya!  At first my time away from blogging (and technology in general) was kinda nice.  But after a week, I really started to miss it!!  Good to know – since this little thing all started as a hobby anyways :)  And as much fun as it has been having no agenda on my days off, it’s also important to keep doing the things you love.  I know I said it before, but I just wanted to emphasize how touched I… Read more >