Hungry Hungry Hippie

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If it’s midnight, is it still dinner?

I don’t know much about snowboarding jumps but Saun White’s triple McSwoopy Loop Double CrissCross Uppity looked infinitely cooler than any other athlete’s trick.  Wow.  Anyways, here are my fabulous work eats. Because of all the ah-maze comments you guys left me, I decided to give the oatmeal raisin GNU flavor & fiber bar a second shot, and I will definitely be getting some of the other flavors to try as well…it was definitely better than the ThinkThin bar I had.  I bought a bunch of these ThinkThin nasties all at once (like months ago),… Read more >

Be still my Delicata heart

I don’t know how this beaut escaped my taste buds for so long, but now that I’ve found it, I’m not letting it go.  This squash just blew my former #1 (butternut) way out of the water. Dear Mr. Butternut squash, You were good to me for a while.  You stood the test of time as I experimented with various other squash varieties.  Acorn had nothing on you, pumpkins were a close call, but in the end you prevailed.  Spaghetti squash are fun to play with, but can’t stand alone.  Even the much adored Kabocha… Read more >

Pep(itas) in my step

Froth-master-flex If you want foam like whoa, you can always click over to my tutorials tab. Anyways, I spent the AM researching items for our wedding registry.  SO.  MUCH.  FUN.  I mean, I love Kyle and all (obviously), but getting married has mega perks aside from the whole life-of-eternal-bliss thing.  I am going to have one baller kitchen once I am a Mrs.  Of course, I am always looking for more ideas, so if you want to share with me things that you think I should register for/know about – hit me up in the… Read more >

PranaBars taste good

PranaBar hooked it up!! I was soooo excited to try these bars.  My work eats were long overdue for a newbie 🙂 Pairs of everything (salad, apples, bars). Salad #1 (spinach, asparagus, green beans, carrots, adzuki beans) Salad #2 (quinoa, peas, corn, dried cranz) Bar#1 (Coconut Acai PranaBar) Bar #2 (Mocha-walla Odwalla bar) Apple #1 (red gala) Apple #2 (yellow wahsington) I think it’s fairly obvious which part of my lunch I was most excited to try… (Aside from Larabars) I have never found a bar with such great stats.  Seriously, this company has a… Read more >

Work and Peacefood

This is one of the more bare work lunches I have packed… Don’t worry, the apple-less state of this photo was remedied once I took my lunch break.  Thank you Gracefully for providing such an abundance of eye candy organic fruit. Greens entered my bod in the form of spinach, brocc, and peas.  The rest of the salad ingreds included adzuki beans, chickpeas, corn and dried cranz. Since Kyle has been a slave to the office, and I have hardly seen him over the last 72 hours, we decided a nice date night at Peacefood… Read more >