Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Crack is wack!

Is it really March already?  I’m so glad that NuNaturals’ vanilla stevia is back in my life.  Coffee is definitely my drug of choice, but this stuff is incredibly addicting.  It’s like super-crack.  Nothing like adding crack to another stimulant.  So, I was seriously buzzzzzzed as I headed to the gym.  Yes, oddly enough, I went to the gym today, and in the AM no less!  I haven’t been feeling the gym much lately, but I was really pumped today and decided to get in some cardio while the iron was hot. How cool are… Read more >

Barely Bake Chia Oaties

I decided to make up a recipe today.  Because my baking skills aren’t as amazing as I’d like (I’m certainly no pastry chef), I usually follow recipes rather diligently.  But tonight, for some reason, I decided to wing it. I suppose I was inspired by the massive shipment I received the day before from NuNaturals.    After they discovered my vegan cornbread recipe (that was perfectly sweet thanks to NuNaturals Stevia Baking Blend), they asked if they could share my recipe with other “foodie enthusiasts.”   As if that wasn’t thrilling enough, they offered to send… Read more >

Peace out February, you won’t be missed

Thanks for all the positive feedback on my OpenSky shop!  I have a ton more in the works, so I’ll keep you guys in the know.    I had an accident with my froth this morning.  Disregard the mess, it tasted awesome. Bride mag + apple = bridapple.  Sounds like a horse food.  Ah well.  Lunch was a toasty sando with roasted red pepper hummus and greek yogurt-i-fied tofu “turkey” spread. I think I added too much greek yogurt 😕 because the “turkey” spread was a little overly oozy.  I don’t think this sammie was… Read more >

Mother Nature must be mad

Can you believe this weather?  Haiti, Chile, Hawaii…makes the East Coast snow seem insignificant.  There’s a car under there somewhere… So I stomped my way through a good foot of snow to get to the hospital today.  Brrr.  I toted my usual eats with me too, including a big salad, a squash side dish, and apples and bars aplenty. The big boy on the left contained spinach, steamed zucchini, carrots, brocc, chopped celery, chickpeas, and dried cranz.  Holy ingredients.  The smaller side tupperware had delicata squash (I finally found it again! yes!!) with raisins. Do… Read more >

The Sky’s the Limit

I have big news!  I know I was a bit of a tease with my previous posts (alluding to a surprise and then holding out on you is not my style, so I apologize), but you don’t have to wait a second longer for the big reveal…DRUMROLL PLEASE… I am now a shopkeeper with OpenSky, a site devoted to helping passionate people share their favorite products with the rest of the internet using world.  I have been working a long time on getting my shop perfect for it’s grand opening, and although I still have… Read more >