Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Flashback Friday: The Engagement

Guess what blog trend made it’s way to hippie-ville?  The flashback series!  Ok, not really series, since this is the first (and only) installment.  It just so happens that last year, on March 28th, my best friend asked me to marry him.  Happiness.  Shock.  Pure.  Elated.  Love.  Crissy Field, San Francisco. It was a gorgeous day in the Bay, and Kyle and I were headed to lunch…or so I thought… I’m pretty dense, so Kyle’s secrecy was probably all in vain, but still, he did a great job planning the best surprise of my life. … Read more >

A sad salad kind of day

Do you see the problem here? I don’t know WHAT I was thinking when I was packing this food up…clearly there was no shot in hell that this amount of food would tide me over for my entire 12 hour shift.  Salad? Check. Apples? Double check. Pretz/carob/raisins? Check.  Drank? Check. And yet, all those goodies weren’t even close to enough food…by my 2 pm lunch break I was left with nothing but my ensalada.  Where the bars at, yo?!?! Indeed, supplementation was very necessary (see below).   I bought this big a$$ tub of nuts/carob… Read more >

Curry cravings

***Holy crap you guys like oats!  I’m loving all the entries to my giveaway, so keep ‘em coming!!*** Well, if yesterday I forgot what the gym was, today I forgot what work was… Apparently, several days off in a row –> Reality check!  [Ouch] At least I remembered how to pack a lunch…look at all the colors!  I literally think my work eats managed to rep’ every color (can we count the dried cranz as purple?).  It may be a stretch but I’m calling it poetic license.  Deal. Apple. Apple. Bar. Bar. Bar. Salad. Carrots…. Read more >

A productive trip home

It’s no secret, I love trips home.  West Coast sunshine, family and friends…can’t get enough!  This trip was jam packed, due to Kyle’s birthday celebration and an insane amount of wedding planning.  Since I have photos up the hoo-ha, I’ll try to avoid the mundane (read: heaps of Stacy’s pita chips and hummus), such as this: And show you only the highlights, like this: Brewskies and cake.  Now that’s a trip home! As I mentioned before, Friday was Kyle’s birthday, so we celebrated all day long.  The key to having a fabulous birthday is having… Read more >

Birthday sales

First things first.  Today is Kyle’s birthday… …feliz cumpleanos amor mio!  Because he is my best friend, I know he will forgive me for posting these.  🙂 Blue steel. Lounging. Te quiero muchisimo.  So, while we are in CA celebrating with family and friends, I figured I should give you guys something to do… And since there was so much interest in this wonderful product, I am having a sale on Measure-Up bowls at my OpenSky shop.  Remember these fun babies?  Starting today (3/19) at 9 am you will can get a 15% discount for… Read more >