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Another sunny day 🙂 I think spring might be here to stay, yes? My camera spazzed out, and the photo evidence of my work eats are nowhere to be found. So all I have is dinner and dessert for ya. Ok? Here’s the day starting at 7:45 pm (give or take a few minutes). With the new season, comes a new chapter in Terry Walters’ cookbook. I love Clean Food. It’s my go-to book for ideas. They are simple but delicious. After the hummus heavy day I had, I definitely wanted a lighter dinner…and the… Read more >
April 7, 2010
big salad, carob chips, chocolate, clean food recipe, nuts, tofu
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Full of errands, full of food, full of activity, full of sun, full of living. How else would I start the day? Alongside the apple was a new green monster blend. I double fisted it with the spinach, which is why it turned out such a pretty color. The other ingreds included a whole frozen banana, 1/4 block silken tofu, ice, ice and more ice. It looked neon in person, but isn’t quite as bright in the photo. Ah well, just take my word for it – ‘twas muy verde. After getting errands done around… Read more >
April 6, 2010
avocado, coconut milk, dried mixed fruit, edamame, Kombucha, millet, smoothie, squash, Starbucks, Stevia, tea, tofu
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There won’t be many pictures in this post because I was in the sun ALL. DAY. LONG. I can’t get over it. I took 4,601,546 pictures of cherry blossoms and dogwoods today. Literally. My computer nearly exploded with all the megabytes I tried to upload from my camera. Did I just use a techie term? Why yes I did. There’s hope yet. Anyways, here’s how I started the day – whole wheat sando thin with Justin’s maple almond butter and banana slices (along with unpictured javahhhh). I had a bushel of apples while taking the city… Read more >
April 5, 2010
almonds, Amy's, carob chips, dried mixed fruit, kale, nutbutter, pretzels, smoothie, tea, thai food
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*Post’s title courtesy of my lover, JT (and due to the fact that I ate several meals out this weekend). Apparently I just can’t get my blogging self together on the weekends (or when the weather is nice). Sooo, Happy (belated) Easter! And now for a quickie recap of the last couple of days… Saturday The AM can be summarized pretty briefly: Starbucks, shopping, more shopping, and (finally) lunch at home. So far all the Gardein products I have tried have been fresh (not frozen) ones, so making the meat-free buffalo wings was my first… Read more >
April 5, 2010
almonds, avocado, bbq, big salad, carob chips, falafel, hummus, kale, Kombucha, nanoosh, pitas, quinoa, smoothie, soy milk, soy nuggets, spinach salad, Starbucks, WF tofu
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Did anyone play a joke today? Or fall for someone else’s April Fools? I was forwarded this by a few people (who know of my love for the ‘Bucks), and I definitely fell for it at first. HA! Anyways, I don’t feel like posting today, so I’ll just give you my breakfast and the recipe from the falafel I made the other day. I toasted a plain H&H bagel then added a mountain of Earth Balance (the green one that’s soy free) and carob chips. Decadent for so early in the day, huh? What can… Read more >
April 1, 2010
carob chips, falafel
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