Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Awesome Blossom

Good (hungover) morning! Thank god I pounded water before I went to bed last night and then slept in today, because after last night’s festivities, I needed sleep and hydration big time. I had SO much fun at the work holiday party. Drinking and dancing with the whole cardiac surgery team in a fun (non hospital) environment was a complete blast. The biggest shocker, though, is how SORE I am today! I danced for maybe half and hour, but since I was in heels, I guess I was using different muscles? My quads are aching…. Read more >

skinny bitch in the kitch

Even after working 3 days in a row, I still couldn’t even sleep in! I woke up at 8 (but really just rolled over and turned the tv on). I actually got up an hour or so later, and got my coffee on.SO frothy šŸ™‚ A little later I decided to finish my dessert from last night. Yeah, vegan chocolate mousse is not exactly a typical breakfast food, but who’s to say I’m typical. Me? Normal? Not so much.More AM snacking continues…vanilla soy yogurt (these babies are HARD to find in the store lately, so… Read more >