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Saturday started with the ordinary: coffee, blog, tv, yadda yadda. Eventually I made a brunch platter (of the not so ordinary nature). Maybe carrots and apples seem weird for breakfast the first meal of the day, but it’s what I was craving. And if you think I had these without hummus, then you clearly don’t know me at all. I finished off the rest of the (just opened) tub with a 7 grain roll, followed by grapes. Nothing like 8 servings of chickpea heaven to get the day started right. After a hearty mug of… Read more >
April 26, 2010
almonds, avocado, big salad, carob chips, edamame, hummus, kale, oatmeal, odwalla bar, popcorn, seitan, smoothie, spinach salad, tea
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What’s up buttercup? TGIF much? I did OT yesterday because my boss is putting full court press on my a$$. Working overtime can go one of two ways, and they happen to be polar opposites. Fortunately, picking up this extra shift did not backfire in my face. It’s amazing how much more enjoyable work is when the unit is adequately staffed and I can actually spend time with my patients without feeling like I’m hours behind in work (novel concept huh?). My boss is not the best when it comes to the business-minded side of… Read more >
April 24, 2010
beans, big salad, Boca chik'n nuggets, dried mixed fruit, pitas, pretzels, veggie burger
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What to do when you find yourself starving on the East Side around dinner time? Hit up Candle Cafe, obviously. Since this was an impromptu dinner out, I didn’t have my camera on me…but at least Kyle’s iPhone was on hand. I wish my job gave me fun tech toys (although I’m not sure I would be a fan of having to answer at my boss’ beck and call…so maybe not). Since we were absolutely starving, we started with guacamole and chips while browsing the menu. The chips were like Doritos – sans lard. Delicious. … Read more >
April 23, 2010
avocado, big salad, Candle Cafe, seitan
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Happy Earth Day fellow hippies! This is one of my favorite days, and in New York, the going green theme has been stretched out – lasting a whole week – so I’ve been enjoying it to the fullest. Last year on Earth Day I tried (unsuccessfully) to start a bike-to-work initiative at the hospital where I work. And this year I’m doing the same thing. Some may think it’s silly (given that I will only be an employee there for another two weeks), but I don’t care. We had a saying in my soccer days… Read more >
April 22, 2010
big salad, Candle Cafe, hummus, pitas, pretzels, raw, spinach salad
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I hate working Mondays, so I avoid them like the plague swine flu. It just seems like nothing gets done over the weekends at the hospital and so with the start of the week comes a bunch of catch-up crappola. This Monday, I managed to dodge the bullet, and instead of spending the day at the hospital, I finished off a sh!t ton of errands on my to-do list. I’m not sure which was more fun, but either way I was productive. My to-do list is never ending. I swear, every time I cross 3… Read more >
April 20, 2010
almonds, avocado, carob chips, Kombucha, raw, tea
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