Hungry Hungry Hippie

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LA Love

After saying goodbye to this: And saying hello to this: I LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about feeling like I returned home.  Everything feels right in the world now.  Seriously.  There is no other way to describe it.  I just feel like – at long last – I’m back to the city where I am meant to be.  Kyle and I have been running all around So Cal, seeing friends, organizing our lives, buying a car, frequenting the WF hot bar, frequenting Starbucks, and y’know, just vegging out.  Oh, did I mention the WF hot bar?… Read more >

Moving day

This post is super old but I didn’t have internet for the looooongest time…let’s back track a few days: Kyle and I were up at 6 am to do some last minute prep work before the movers arrived.  Naturally a run to the ‘bucks was in order. Once 9 am rolled around, the movers arrived and we sat back and watched the magic happen (wow!!).  Talk about perfecting their craft (I’m taking the liberty of describing moving as an art form – if you’ve ever done a big one, you will agree with me on… Read more >

I’m so paid

…But only because of my ridiculous trip to HR today, which felt more like The Amazing Race than an exit interview… The building has 19 floors.  The elevators are split so they don’t all go to every floor.  I had to go to the 19th floor, then the 5th, then the 19th, and then the 5th again.  Because I have nothing better to do right now…like, oh, I don’t know, packing maybe?  The lobby guard thought I was out of my mind as I went back and forth between one set of elevators and the… Read more >

Jamie Oliver’s nightmare

As Kyle and I attempt to empty our fridge and freezer before moving, I have discovered both the pros & cons of pre-packaged meals.  Pro:  Mindless, easy prep (box –> plate? even a caveman Kyle can do that) Con: Stipation (where the greens at, yo?) Ok, we aren’t eating ONLY thawed sh!t… I still had some odds and ends that I pulled together for a salad, which included the raw One Lucky Duck Rosemary quackers I bought last week. I sampled a few with hummus and they were pretty tasty.  My only issue was that… Read more >

Gotham nights

I started the morning sans cafe because I just wasn’t in the mood.  The wind was pretty ferosh outside, which always makes me want to snuggle up with a book.  So I read on the couch while enjoying a plate of grapes and strawberries.  Later on a made an oat, cinnamon, raisin elixir. Here’s a confession: I like raw oats.  As in, uncooked whole rolled oats. When I was little I used to pour the instant Quaker packs in a bowl, add milk, and eat it like cold cereal.  Obviously, my palate hasn’t matured very… Read more >