An Ode to Whole Foods
How I love thee, let me count the ways… 1. Prepared foods bar As you are about to see, I’ve been going through a few obsessions. Whole Foods makes it dangerously easy to slip into food ruts because each dish is better than the last and meals require no effort whatsoever (aside from determining if you want the Kirstie Alley size or the more moderate portion) because they are already prepared. Fumi Tofu Salad I was first introduced to this glorious dish back in my college days, when the Whole Foods opened in Westwood and… Read more >
June 20, 2010 "egg" salad, "chicken" spread, big salad, curry, edamame, falafel, Kombucha, pretzels, raw, seitan, Stevia, WF tofu Read more >