Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Getting back

Today was a full day.  A wedding prep extravaganza kind of a day.  Items now crossed off the to-do list: meeting with our pastor (for pre-marriage classes) invitation finalizing & printing (more) ring shopping (we finally got our wedding bands!) hair appointment-ing (no clue what I’m going to do with the mop I am rocking right now, but hopefully she’s got some ideas) closing my solo bank account (joint bank accounts, what, WHAT!) laundry gym time re-packing for yet another trip (back to New York this time!) That was thrilling for you to read about,… Read more >

Celebrating my pop-sicle

Sunday was an absolutely GORGEOUS day in the Bay.  I actually took this picture Saturday night when Kyle and I decided to take a stroll down memory lane (through Crissy Field).  For new readers, it’s where Kyle proposed to me a year ago.  It’s now two months until our wedding and I still feel as giddy as I did the day he popped the question.  Anyways, back to Sunday morning… Kyle and I woke up bright and early, said goodbye to the Marina, and headed to the East Bay to spend Father’s Day with my… Read more >

The I-5

Sucks. But then who didn’t already know that?  Driving for miles and miles through nothingness with the crappiest rest-stops… and doing it with a ridiculous hangover that rivals those from my college days… well that’s just plain stupid. Usually I plan ahead, hell, I’m the girl who brings 5 different snacks with me when I go shopping just so I’ll have options in case I do get hungry.  And yet, I was in such rare form after a night of heavy boozing, all that I had on hand as we set off on our 7… Read more >

World Cafe

I mentioned it at the end of my last post, but for those who find my writing boring are here for the food porn, I’m proud to say we are now officially Santa Monica residents!  We won’t move in until August (due to our travel-intensive July), but it is nice to know that we are no longer homeless. After signing our lease, we decided to explore the neighborhood…one thing led to another…next thing we knew we were on our second drinks at the World Cafe happy hour.  Not too shabby. Did I mention we now… Read more >

R + D

Last week, Kyle and I took a two-day trip to Newport Beach.  Just because.  We had no agenda, but we did manage to pack our days.  We hit up la playa (Corona Del Mar); I found a bridesmaid’s dress for Jess’ wedding next weekend (better late than never, right!); we watched a good deal of soccer; and we washed Rolf (le civic). These summer days have me sucking down iced coffees with soy milk like a fiend – reminiscent of my former days of employment (which were primarily caffeine fueled).  These carrot chips are fan-freakin-tastic. … Read more >