Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

bean vs. breast

Which has more protein, tofu or chicken? My boyfriend asked me that question last night which got me thinking…and after doing a little research, I decided to share. The bean vs. The breast **I used for the info and further specified tofu as silken, firm and the chicken as broiled, cooked, breast meat only   TOFU CHICKEN serving size 84 g 86 g kcals 52 142 protein 6 g 27 g fat 2 g 3 g cholesterol**** 0 mg 73 mg carbs 2 g 0 g fiber 0 g 0 g sodium 30 mg… Read more >

Kirsten who?

Adios Caroline, hello Sen. Gilliweed.  Ok, ok, that’s not her last name…it’s actually a Harry Potter reference, but it’s kinda close?  Sen. Gillibrand is her real name.  I’m liking the recent fad of appointing female politicos to power (minus the near VP disaster).  As for non-red/blue conversation, I had a pretty solid gym day, which consisted of 60 mins ellipticaling on the random setting (levels 9-15) and 15 mins of spinning (escalating intensity).  No abs/arms – it was a day of rest for the mat work :)  The random setting on the elliptical can be… Read more >

the silk comeback

Oh, SILK soy milk, how I missed you – let me count the ways.  Glass of silk before leaving for work Silky soy latte from Starbucks to kick start my first day back on the unit Soy misto with lunch (from Starbucks, too) And that’s only noon! Here’s my sammie, packed the night before.  It’s smart deli “turkey” with the works. This baby never disappoints!  I also had a Berries GoMega odwalla bar with my AM coffee and the dried fruit with my PM JUG of apple juice.  Yeah, I really really sugar loaded at… Read more >

It must have been the gym

I’m pretty excited to be using Windows Live Writer since I’ve been hearing all about how amazing it is for the last few months.  Hopefully, I too, will have nothing but the highest praises for it.  Only time will tell.  But for now, I’ll stick to the day’s eats. I slept in, so the morning was already going well.  Then I had some coffee (Starbucks’ x-mas blend) with lactaid, while I enjoyed the first 2009 episode of The View.  Don’t hate on the guilty pleasures 🙂 Later I decided to give in to my stomach,… Read more >

elise navidad

First off – Merry Christmas!! HO HO HO…I reeeeally heart the holidays. Last night after I finished the blog, I totes finished off the dried edamame. Then Kyle called me and told me Santa had come to the apartment!!! SANTA!! I was confused, but then he told me to go look behind his laptop and whoa! Santa HAD come 🙂 Check out the stocking that Kyle (er, Santa) left for me…so sweet. I’m a pretty simple girl – crosswords, fitness mag, starbucks card, and gum…yep, that’s me!! I also got a package from K’s parents… Read more >