Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Merry marry 1st birthday weekend

Parties all around this weekend!  And lots of driving to get to them all!   This was the only thing I took a picture of on Thursday.  Clearly it was the highlight of my eating day (the highlight in the non-food realm was Peyton Manning scoring a million points for my fantasy team).  Dove dark chocolate is crazy good.  My mom gave us two bars as a part of a wedding anniversary present and I had been saving them…for what I don’t know.  I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did though. … Read more >

Two meals with quinoa

As you may have guessed based on the fact that I’m STILL (eye roll) posting recipes that I made 99 years ago, I haven’t been cooking much lately.  Blah.  I don’t wanna talk about it.   Above: Salmon with quinoa and sliced tomatoes.  Below: Seitan & quinoa bowl with sriracha vegan aioli on a bed of garden greens (chard).    So guess what?  If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you can totally swap the seitan for the fish in the first recipe.  And if you don’t dig seitan you can do fish in the second… Read more >

Weekly Recap

This week was fun.  Busy and not busy in perfect amounts.  One thing I’ve noticed about working part time is there’s a big (HUGE) difference between 2 shifts and 3 shifts.  It may not sound like it, but I feel like the time off allows me to get so much more done.  And rather than fill it with errands and chores, I can actually hang out and relax and enjoy myself.  It’s lovely.  Here are some of the things I ate this week. Breakfasts   Baked oatmeal bars with blueberries [sorry about the crappy pic]… Read more >

Moving weekend

I’ll make this brief since this is what I’m up against…   Hippie tip #1: Buy and sell (or give away) used moving boxes on craigslist before and after you move.  Earth friendly and cheap.   Here we are in our (old) backyard with a passed out babe and movers schlepping patio furniture.  P was clearly not stressed out by the packing process.  On the contrary, he slept probably 30 of the 36 hours that we were transitioning from one home to the next.  He just looooves being held, and since we had no furniture… Read more >

Separately vegetarian

In the beginning of our relationship (8!!! years ago), Kyle and I ate different meals 99% of the time.  Then he went vegetarian a year ago and we started eating the same things.  It was pretty cool to plan dinners and grocery shop for us both in the same way.  We still eat this way…until this past week… In an effort to clean out the fridge, I’ve been making a ton of not very FODMAP friendly meals for him.  Meanwhile I’ve been on a total salad bender. They all have the same theme.  NUTS!  Lots… Read more >