Hungry Hungry Hippie

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I love Gold!

Garlic may not be my favorite thing in the world, but when it comes to making a marinade, I do enjoy a hint of it. And since the days of BBQ have peaked, these arrival of these Garlic Gold products couldn’t have been more timely. *Disclaimer: I did receive these products from the company to review. This is a side shot of the Garlic Gold Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette which we used as a marinade for the fish as well as the veggies.  Check out those layers!  So many glorious flavors in the oil mix.  The… Read more >

Where’s the muscle?

This post is a few days old, but I was already so behind before heading off to Vegas for my bachelorette party that I was able to pre-schedule this post.  I’ll be back from Sin City tomorrow.  But don’t expect any posts from this weekend because (as we all know) what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas [and most DEFINITELY doesn’t end up on a blog]… Today, I had a trial run with my wedding hairdo.  😀  I can’t put up pics in the off chance that Kyle reads this post, but trust me, it… Read more >

Red, white, and blue

Happy 4th everyone!  I’m currently in Las Vegas for my bachelorette party.  Keep me in your thoughts. If you want a real post, check out last year’s FOURTH of JULY post.  I made an amazing black bean burger.  This year, my only goal is survival.

Soy happy

Why oh why couldn’t I just sleep in?  Sadly, I woke up before 8 am…making my total shut-eye time less than 7 hours.  Far more than I used to get (back in my days of employment), but far fewer than I’ve been getting lately.  My body was ready to go though, so whatever. After my first cup of coffee my mom had to go to the hospital.  It was kinda last minute and she wasn’t able to drive herself, so I made another cup of java to-go and we were off.  She’s ok, don’t worry,… Read more >

A ‘sNice Goodbye to Gotham

Our last day in New York!  Monday was bittersweet, I suppose.  Although, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t more eager to get back to CA.  Still, it was weird knowing that this would be our last time in New York for a very very long time.  Like every other morning, we made Starbucks coffee in our hotel room before heading out.  For some reason I have never seen this African Kitamu blend anywhere else, but I was in love at first sip, and am now determined to get my hands on it.  Has… Read more >