Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252


Today was a slowwwwww day, but it was a good one.  Work was nice, some funny stories (maybe I’ll share one later), but altogether a mellow day.  No complaints.  I woke up at 4 am (a la Erin) completely on my own, alert and awake, so I embraced it!  I’m sayin’ I obviously arrived at Starbeezies way early (like 6ish) so I enjoyed the AM crossword and my book (Me & Emma) – which is soooo good btw.  Totally hooked. So, funny story:  Sometimes we get ER patients in the middle of the night since… Read more >

nursing in the desert

I really think the temp on unit today was almost in the 90’s.  I don’t really know why…but everyone who came to our floor commented about the sauna-like environment so I KNOW it wasn’t just me.  So, it’s safe to say I was sweating BULLETS all day long.  Ok, but let’s get down to business with the grub… NEW kind of tofu!!!  I baked TJs tofu yesterday for the weeks worth of lunches… While the kcals were a bit more than the Lite brand I usually get (Nasoya silken firm), it turned golden brown WAY… Read more >

‘Snice saves the day

What an AWFUL day.  Fortunately, I had a seriously awesome dinner to provide the light at the end of the tunnel through it all.  Back to the beginning though… Like most days, I stopped at Starbeezies for a coffee.  Unlike most days, I didn’t have chance to actually drink it until 10:30!!!  Can you even believe it!  I was SO swamped with work.  It seemed like no matter how much I did to catch up, stuff just kept piling up.  TOO MANY PATIENTS!!!  Blah.  Even though I kept reminding myself to stop. breathe. relax…it did… Read more >

Sleeveless running

The weather cracked into the 40s today, time to celebrate!  I was so happy when I woke up, it was sunny out and I had the day off to enjoy the nice weather outside. Here’s my morning cup of joe…along with some figs, carob covered raisins, and the crossword.  Talk about starting the day off right.  Since I woke up earlier than usual, I got hungry earlier than usual, so I made some french toast that I doused in Earth Balance. This whole wheat Alvarado Street bread is good, maybe even better than the California… Read more >

have patients

Nope.  Not a typo.  I had QUITE a demanding patient load today at work.  Talk about a shock back into reality.  I’ve been off for about a week now, so I knew it was going to be an abrupt change from the lackadaisical days I’ve been having (lounging around the warm apartment without a hint of an agenda). Anyways, today’s eats were as thrilling as ever.  Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m laying on the sarcasm pretty thick.  Starbucks soy misto to get the day going. Odwalla bar when I couldn’t ignore the growling in my… Read more >