Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Return of the Mac

I have been working furiously (ok, that’s a lie, I’m really only at about 35%) for the past day and a half to try and get Windows on my MacBook…all for the glorious blogging tool that is Live Writer.  Success!  Finally!! (I hope?) Also successful was our first go at non-Starbucks coffee making.  New coffee maker.  New coffee.  New grinder. New start to the day. Just me and my java…and a long-overdue date with this months VegNews. Love.  It’s not Kauai, but whatcanyado. Before I get ahead of myself though, I want to make sure… Read more >

Reality check one, two

My laptop gathered quite a bit of dust this past week… After the most amazing wedding (a day that surpassed anything I could have even dreamed of), Kyle and I headed off to Kauai for a week in paradise.  We lounged by the pool. And the beach. Sipped tropical drinks.   And some of Hawaii’s finest brews. Got massages.  Hammock-ed.  Hiked.  And basked in all our newlywed glory.  Slowly but surely (Flashback Fridays anyone?) I’ll do my best to fill you in on the wedding and honeymoon details…or at least the G-rated parts.  For now,… Read more >

Patience is a virtue

It’s a totally random coincidence that my 2nd blogiversary falls on the same day as my wedding. Although one is semi-noteworthy, the other far outweighs it (by leaps and bounds) in importance…and so I will be postponing the celebration of hungryhungryhippie turning two until I return from Hawaii.  But you can be sure the wait will be worth it for you because I have several giveaways in the works.  Go big or go home, right? Hey, I waited 6 years for this day to come, so I know something about patience.  [College] [1st Anniversary] [Graduation]… Read more >

Add first…

…subtract later never. That’s my version of the improve-your-diet rule, at least.  I like trying new things, but I also like keeping the old (can you tell I was a Girl Scout?).  New: Israeli couscous & French Whole Wheat couscous Old: Quinoa And so the three-grain pilaf was born… Into the pot went: 1/3 cup Israeli couscous 1/3 cup French WW couscous 1/3 cup quinoa 2 cups water I left it to soak in the pot while I went on a run, showered, and answered emails (~1.5 hours). When I returned to the stove, almost… Read more >