Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Social Light

This weekend was a reminder of why Kyle and I moved back to the West Coast.  No offense NYC, but when it comes to the weather and the social scene, California is where the party’s at!  I may be well out of college, but that doesn’t mean I’m an old fart (yet).  This weekend I was drawn to keg parties and tailgates like a moth to a flame.  I don’t mind a seedy bar once in a while either. But before I get to the brew-fueled festivities, let me back up to Friday. You like… Read more >

Ready to pop?

Soda doesn’t have to be unhealthy.  It doesn’t have to contain aspartame.  It doesn’t have to contain corn syrup.  In fact, it can be calorie free, sweetened with the plant-based wonder ingredient (stevia), and STILL resemble your favorite pop. I’m no stranger to Zevia.  They hooked me up with their goods in the past, and now they are willing to do the same for YOU, my loyal readers.  My personal fave is Dr. Zevia, which takes my taste buds back to my college days nights of DDP fueled all-nighters.  While coffee provided (and still provides)… Read more >

Clean Food Comeback

You guys are so sweet.  I was simply floored by the response to my wedding post – your comments were overwhelmingly kind.  I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet that day, so I guess it came through in the photos.  I’ll try and get the second half of the big day posted soon, but I don’t have pictures of the food yet (I didn’t bring my camera to the wedding – the horror!!).  Don’t worry, I made sure the photographer captured my meal on film (I am a food blogger after all).  So… Read more >

Adding the “r”

On August 28th, 2010, I went from a Ms. to a Mrs.  It was the best day of my life.  I wish I could share each and every moment with you all.  Hell, I wish I could relive the entire weekend myself (it went by so fast!).  There were so many intimate moments that weren’t captured on film that I will have to imprint in my mind forever.  There were several times that I had to stop and remind myself that THIS. WAS. IT. This was the moment I had been planning for the past… Read more >


Ok.  Honestly?  I’m feeling a bit sick…great way to start off married life, huh?  It’s not surprising that an illness should strike now, after the intense go-go-go nature of the past month I guess I had it coming.  My body must’ve caught wind that my defenses are (finally) down.  Too much travel, too little sleep, and on top of it all, my eating habits have been ridiculously (and abnormally) erratic over the past week (see above breakfast of crackers & hummus).  I guess my immune system deserves a day off…I just hope a day doesn’t… Read more >