Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Restaurant week LA

I know yesterday’s AM eats weren’t well documented at all, but I promise to make up for it with yesterday’s dinner. It’s restaurant week!! Three courses complete with wine pairings (included in the price no less) for $34.  You can’t turn that down. I was initially going with Ethel, my FPIC, but Kyle got out of school early and decided to join us. There were so many restaurants participating…it was a hard choice, but in the end we settled on La Grande Orange (mostly because of how fun it was to say in a ridiculous… Read more >

Get over yourself

That’s what I had to say to myself yesterday.  Boy oh boy what a weird day.  As some of you know, I’ve been growing my hair out to donate.  It’s been hard these past few weeks because I’ve really wanted to cut it.  It’s gotten to be such a pain.  I mean just look at that mane.  It’s unruly and impossible and takes way too much time to manage.  But there is an 8 inch length requirement to donate.  That’s a lot of hair!  And while I do have a lot of hair (I mean… Read more >

Creamy cashew buttah

When I was a young thang growing up in CA I loved the rain.  In elementary school indoor recesses were a novelty.  In junior high and high school, the rain meant we had an excuse to get insanely muddy (yes, I was a bit of a tomboy).  Especially playing soccer in the rain…so fun!  Cut to my years on the East Coast… In NYC I hated the rain.  I’m not really sure what prompted this drastic change of heart, but I suspect it had to do with the fact that there was ALWAYS the chance… Read more >

Behind the scenes

Yesterday morning I woke up, caffeinated myself, ate my butternut coconut oats, went for quick expensive shopping trip on the Promenade, then came home for a nice wheatberry lunch.  What you DIDN’T see was what prompted this… Yucky weather.  WSJ’s Style & Fashion section.  Dangerous duo. I ended up spending $218 at Forever21 in under 2 hours – yikes!  Good thing I’m starting my job soon… After lunch I went grocery shopping.  I’ve found that I spend way less on groceries when I shop in a semi-full state (sadly, this is rather necessary since I’m… Read more >

Wonderful wheat berries

Warning: I’ve fallen in love with soaking.  I may never cook again. Ok, that’s not true, but I don’t think it’s possible to find an easier grain to prep than wheat berries.  First of all, they are so freakin’ cheap.  How can you resist a meal that’s main component is under a dollar.  Not to mention how good for you they are, too! Unlike refined wheat (a process in which the germ and bran layers are removed), wheat berries maintain all three of their parts (the germ/seed, the bran, and the endosperm). Because they are… Read more >