Hungry Hungry Hippie

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H2Oh No

This just keeps getting better and better… Turns out denying the electricians access to our apartment yesterday may have been a blessing in disguise.  Now they can fix both the plumbing and the stove/oven “issues” at the same time while I vacate the apartment for greener pastures (by which, of course, I mean Starbucks).  That’s the only positive thing I can say about being without water for the majority of the day.  I woke up early to clean the apartment and make myself presentable, and at 8:45 on the dot the doorbell rang and next… Read more >

Lovin’ my oven

If you’re interested (and why wouldn’t you be) I am about to post the best pumpkin banana bread recipe ever.  Seriously. I don’t really think I’m that good in the baked goods department.  When I cook, I rarely stick to recipes.  I like changing things and tweaking here and there as I go based on what I have on hand and what I like…but you can’t really do that when you’re baking. Oddly enough, it was the threat of not having an oven that led me to take the plunge. Let me back up a… Read more >

Bundles of mash

Last night I had dinner with my girls, Ethel and Alene. You’ve met them several times before.  Get to know them, because now that I’m back in So Cal, they’ll be making frequent appearances.  🙂 This was my contribution to dinner.  Pathetic. I did provide the recipe…but not really since it was in fact forwarded to me by my sister from Whole Foods. We kinda went rogue with the directions though…so here’s our adaptation. Photos first, recipe at the end… Arm workout #1 – avocado mashing Arm workout #2 – black bean mashing (source) I… Read more >

Paper Gangster

I am so sick of signing waivers, forms, consents, and agreements, I just want to start nursing! This morning I woke up bright and early to head to HR (again) for paperwork (again).  I did manage to cross two things off my to-do list before hitting the road (I wish one of those things had been “pack up an extra cup of coffee for the road” because this was definitely a two cup kind of day…).  I ended up stopping at Starbucks (shock).  And of course I had an apple on stand by (shock).  … Read more >

Still in progress

After getting back from a weekend at home, I made myself a ridiculously ambitious to-do list. Mondays already suck, this was overkill. Moody monday coffee. After the caffeine hit my brain I was feeling energetic and began to tackle my list with a carpe-diem-style vigor.  Bring it. Breakfast went from the above, to the below in ~30 minutes. Butternut banana oat cakes Texture-wise it still needs perfecting, so for now no recipe, but I’ll get it up soon.  It held me over for hours.  Crazy talk, right? When lunch time rolled around I had alittle… Read more >