Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Breaking the feast

The building blocks for a delicious work lunch… Avocado and tofu.  Since I make my work lunches the night before, I am usually in a rush to get to bed.  Thus, tofu prep tends to be on the minimalist side.  I like plain ‘fu so I don’t really care much.  All I did was cut some of the block into cubes, spritz it with Bragg’s and microwave it in a glass bowl with a CoverMate cover.  After 45 seconds, I flipped them around a bit, and popped them back in for another 45 seconds.  It’s… Read more >

Good friends, good food, good times

My birthday post last left off with an unopened bottle of Gallo 2007 Cab. We took care of that. Glug glug glug. My birthday suit freakum’ dress – how’d I do Kailey?  I’m fairly certain this was supposed to be a shirt, but I’m not the tallest (ok, I’m short) so I do what I do. For dinner we went to a sushi restaurant in Santa Monica called Wokcano recommended by a friend.  There are a few other locations of this restaurant, all in Southern California. While the rest of our party trickled in, I… Read more >

It’s all coming back…

It’s all coming back to me nowwwww. Hideous song.  I apologize.  But it’s how I feel now that I’m back at work.  I love it!  I can’t even tell you how awesome it feels to be nursing again.  I will write more about my job in the coming weeks but for now I am going to bust through the food.  *This post is old, so disregard any references to time.  My first day was actually last Thursday and I wrote this shortly thereafter but never got the post up. Remember my pre-packed eats from yore?… Read more >

Presents all around

I had a really great weekend – thanks for all your sweet birthday wishes. Presents! Kyle got me YogaWorks classes – something I’ve been “meaning to try” for almost half a decade now…haha.  My sister was obviously inspired by our dinner at RFD because she got me the official cookbook.  I’m so excited to crack into this baby!  So many delicious recipes.  Thanks sister 🙂 Like any other day, I started with coffee… A huge frothy mug. Breakfast was atypically savory.  In this bowl, leftover roasted butternut squash, leftover chickpea salad, and a chopped apple. … Read more >

Flashback Friday: Hawaiian honeymoon

Who says reminiscing has to be reserved for Fridays, right?  Flashback Saturday anyone?  Today is my birthday, so try and let it slide…  While I huff and puff my heavily candled (28!!) vegan birthday cake, I hope you’ll enjoy reading about our tropical luna de miel. Kyle and I got married on Saturday, August 28th. On Monday the 30th we headed off to Kauai for the most relaxing week of vacation ever.  Our trip started at 4 am (Pacific time), and we didn’t arrive in Hawaii until 5 pm (Island time).  In case you were wondering… Read more >