Hungry Hungry Hippie

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The November Issue

I realize I’m ridiculously behind in blogging.  Here’s a preview of what the last few days have looked like for me… Until things settle with my crazy new (work) schedule, I am afraid blogging will be taking the back seat.  Only temporarily though… Make yourself some vegan chocolate peanut butter cups in the meantime.    On a totally different note, I recently rented The September Issue, a documentary about the making of the fall fashion issue of Vogue magazine.  Seeing the behind-the-scenes shed light on not only how subjective the industry is, but also the… Read more >

Trick or (vegan) Treats

I really enjoyed all your giveaway entries.  Sounds like we are all very similar in what we enjoy doing on our days off – relaxing!  As per random generator, the winner of the $65 CSN stores giveaway is Grace, who said:  “I would definitely do a ton of gardening and then of course, cook! There is nothing better than tasty food that you can take the time to prepare.” Congrats Grace! I have yet another giveaway coming soon, but I’m kinda up to my knees getting adjusted with my new work schedule.  Until then, here’s… Read more >

You know you’re a food blogger when…

You choose an apartment based on optimal lighting for food photos…   Your first Netflix movie selection is Food Inc…     You miss weddings for food festivals…   Water and power outages affect your food prep and meal planning more than your acts of daily living (i.e. showering)… New food products generate more enthusiasm than "normal" things (like birthdays)…   "Battery card full" may as well mean "you will be eating a cold dish” (aka “don’t touch this food until I free up space")… You are ecstatic over the return of a $4 fermented… Read more >

$$ in your pocket

On my days off, I like to sleep in.  The first thing I do upon waking up is wash my face and brush my teeth.  But less than a second after, I make coffee. After that I water my babies.  Then, I set up shop on our dining room chairs and read blogs, write, and do whatever internet related errands I’ve put off for the past few days. All while enjoying coffee.  Coffee topped with froth and cocoa, to be exact.  At least, that’s what I did on Friday. I also had the last piece… Read more >

Flashback Friday: Hawaiian honeymoon day 2

On our second day in Kauai, we decided to venture to another part of the island for a hike.  The weather was on and off drizzle and rain, so it’s a good thing we didn’t go with the convertible rental…  Nature lovers. Waimea Canyon was breathtaking.  I’ve never seen a canyon before and it was a pretty cool phenomenon.  At 10 miles long, 1 mile wide, and more than 3,500 feet deep, it is the largest canyon in the Pacific and truly a dramatic sight.  But almost as thrilling was the number of roosters.  It… Read more >