Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

bright lights, long nights

…party ‘til the sun is rising, high rise, overtime, working ‘til the morning shine.  I feel on TOP OF THE WORLD!  Top of the world! 🙂 In addition to making me feel like a true New Yorker, that song pumps me up (as most PCD song do)!  Guilty pleasure, fasho. AM coffee.  BTW, before I forget, thank SO MUCH for all the feedback on my last post.  You guys are the sweetest and the most thoughtful and it really makes my day when I get flooded with comments of support.  It’s so nice to know… Read more >

bye bye beijing

Hooray!  My boyfriend is back 🙂 We (sorta) slept in, but first thing upon waking, Kyle made us some nice frothy American coffee.  I think he missed the ‘bucks while in China.  Check out the MASSIVE mug he brought me home (I have an obsession with huge coffee mugs, especially Starbucks’ mugs from different cities). Brekkie: Soynut butter on whole wheat tortillas.  Look at all those delish grains and flax seeds!  I love this brand of tortillas! I also had a blueberry Chobz.  I am really loving these flavored ones.  I think blueberry is my… Read more >

computer stress/food mess/gym success

You would never know how productive today was if you tracked me with a GPS (I was literally in the same square foot in my apartment for 99% of the day)…hunched over the computer BEGGING it to cooperate with me. I got up nice an early, even though I had today OFF from work :)  I was thrilled beyond belief to get some extra rest all my errands done.  Seriously, I had frothy coffee and soynut butter oats and then got crackin’… Oh, and soynut butter is ridiculously good, btw.  This was my day.  Restoring,… Read more >

march, china, pajama party

March is here. In honor of that: Out with the old, in with the new… No more gold coast blend (you will not be missed). House blend, welcome home, I love you! So far March SUCKS. I can’t believe it’s STILL snowing! Grrr. 8-10 inches in one day is too much? (that’s what she said) But, seriously, I’m really annoyed with the East Coast. To make matters worse, my parents are in Hawaii for, like, the 9th time this year, and keep texting me pics of gorgeous sunsets and luaus. Ugh. Ok, I’ll stop the… Read more >

i’ve got the golden ticket

This post will be quick and to the point because I am SO tired. Big coffee + blueberry bran VitaTop muffin. These are good, but not too filling. They’d probably be better as snacks because there is certainly not enough caloric oomph to get the day started. So I had a cereal mess (a la Andrea)…I think I will eat all cereal out of this bowl forever-more. It’s so fun! Apple. (I know, it’s a good thing I put a title for the pic, as you may not have been able to figure out what… Read more >