Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Flashback Friday: Hawaiian honeymoon day 4

Our fourth day of honeymoonin’ started like the rest… Beachy keen.  But after soaking up some rays and a few cups of coffee, we headed to the tennis courts for a complimentary hour of professional play horse play.  You see, at this point we were deeply immersed in the US Open…funny how you can get so inspired by seasonal sports.  Sadly, Kim Clijsters’ brilliance doesn’t automatically translate to skill.  At least we were evenly amateur (the first set took up the entire hour because we kept going into tiebreak). Anyways, we returned to the hotel,… Read more >

You are so dumb, you are really dumb, for real

This weekend’s time change was really my savior in surviving Sunday. At 7:30 my alarm went off and I rolled over to see if there was any chance Holly was feeling as anti-exercise as I was.  I can’t decide what surprised me more; the fact that she went to bed in her lady of the night gala make-up, or the fact that she was still gung-ho for bootcamp in said state.  Either way, Susan kicked the bejeezus out of me, Holly, Janetha, and Danica that morning.  Danica’s hubby, Jay, joined us for a hot second before… Read more >

Gala-vanting at the Ferry building

Up to this point in the weekend, the food at the festival had been good.  Just good.  Not great.  Nothing had wowed me.  In other words, I was still waiting to go gaga over something. In spite of this, I strutted into the Ferry Building with my chin up high.  Brush that dirt off yo shoulder. Having seen the menu beforehand, my expectations weren’t high.  In fact, I was a bit nervous about how vegan-izable the meals would be.  Especially given the minimal veg-friendly options available at the previous Foodbuzz events. From left to right… Read more >

And then it was time to taste…

I actually didn’t take too many pictures at the tasting pavilion because I was busy, well, tasting!  Here are the ones I do have, supplemented with ones borrowed from my roommates Danica, Holly, Susan, and Janetha. Before heading into the tasting, Kyle and my sister joined up with me (I’m not the only foodie in my family).  :)  So stripe-y.  We took some photos in the sunshine…and then the clock struck one and it was time to go.  Waiting for the event to start reminded me of being in a corral before a running race. … Read more >

The second day…

…of the Foodbuzz Festival started off with gorgeous San Francisco weather.  And yet, I still lacked the motivation to join my roomies for a 6 AM jog through the neighborhood.  I’ve lived in SF before and I’ve run a half marathon in the city as well, so I am all too aware of the brutal hill situation.  I didn’t exactly sleep in either, though.  After Susan and Janetha returned from their run, the rest of our posse hit the road for the one and only, Tartine Bakery. Let’s get something straight from the get-go, this… Read more >