Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Thanksgiving one of three

As I mentioned before, Saturday was spent with my mom’s side of the family in So Cal.  It was a really fun day with good food, good company, and of course, the adorable Finn. I was in charge of bringing a vegan dish, so I thought why not test out a recipe that’s been on the back burner for a while now. Thanks to the Foodbuzz foodie gift exchange, all the goods for this meal were provided by Danica…although I did go astray a bit.  Here’s the OG recipe with my alterations. Harvest Grain Salad… Read more >

I scream, you scream…

On Saturday I’ll be in Glendale for Thanksgiving #1 with my mom’s side of the family. On Sunday I’ll be in San Clemente for Thanksgiving #2 with Kyle’s family. So while I cook away for my double gobble gobble weekend, I figure I may as well share a fun giveaway with you guys as a way of saying THANKS.  I’m so lucky to have such kind, supportive, wonderful readers friends like you. You may have noticed that lately I’ve been raving left and right about coconut, and it’s not without merit.  It’s nutritional benefits are… Read more >

Nut your average butter

I’m definitely in a big, huge, massive, obscene rut.  There, I said it. Almost every single meal this week has involved nutbutter in some form. It all stemmed from this purchase. And the delivery of this package. Both have become absolutely essential parts of my diet, so much so that I’ve ended up creating the oddest food combinations, all in an effort to incorporate some form of nutbutter.  For instance this sweet potato & apple dish dressed with peanut sauce.  Peanut sauce you say?  Yes, peanut sauce.  All it is is peanut flour, almond milk… Read more >

Flashback Friday: Hawaiian honeymoon day 5

One of the things Kyle and I were most looking forward to on our honeymoon was getting pampered.  Couples massages?  Holler.  So we decided to treat ourselves to an hour long rub down at the Anara Spa.  It was heavenly.  Not that I had much stress to relieve, but it was gone at the end regardless.  Then we got coffee and broke the fast.  What’s Malasada you ask?  Basically Hawaiian donut holes.  The pampering continued when we set up shop in our private beach front cabana.  Just for us…all day long… With this view. The… Read more >


I promised a macaroon recipe and then went awol on ya!  My bad.  :P  You can blame my patients for wearing me out… So how about some coconutty treats? After falling in love with Tropical Traditions’ coconut oil, I was delighted when they offered to hook me up with shredded coconut to sample. If I had an all-time-favorite-ingredient list, coconut would be rapidly rising the charts.  It’s rivaling pumpkin right now, so that’s saying something! As soft and fine as the lightest snow flurries.  [That’s a reference for my New York peeps.  I’m (happily) far… Read more >