Hungry Hungry Hippie

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10 years already?

Saturday night was my 10 year high school reunion.  Wow.  Way to make a girl feel old! I was actually really looking forward to going.  I mean, sure we all have facebook now for optimal photo browsing stalking.  But keeping tabs on your classmates’ latest status updates is very different from reminiscing in person about everything from hideous prom dresses (and prom dates) to cramming for AP Bio tests the period before they happened… My best friends are still very much in my life, but there were others who I am sad to say, I… Read more >

Bowl meals

Coffee in a bowl.  That’s how you approach the Friday after Thanksgiving.  My breakfast bowl was nearly the same size as my coffee mug.  And since I was home, I used my special bowl from my first trip to Paris in 2000. My name is a bit on the unique side, which I love and appreciate now, but was a bummer for me growing up.  I envied all the Jennifers, Laurens, and Stephanies of my class who got stickers, toothbrushes, and the likes with their (generic) names on them.  Imagine how delighted I was when… Read more >

Mom’s Thanksgiving recipes

Everything you could ever want… I mentioned the mashed potato recipe in yesterday’s post and the whipped sweet potatoes suffered a similar fate.  It’s not much of a recipe – it’s pretty much just cooking & mashing with vegetable broth until you get the desired consistency.  The roasted veggies also require no recipe, and I don’t feel like posting photos of my dad and the turkey carcass here, so that leaves the green beans.    My mom found this recipe in Bon Appetit and it was the perfect side dish because much of the prep work… Read more >

20 hours of giving thanks

On Thursday morning Kyle and I woke up at 2:50 am.  The things you do to avoid LA traffic… We had already loaded the car the night before, so all we needed was coffee, diet soda (yes, desperate times call for desperate measures) and water, and we were off!  The beloved I-5 may have been pitch black, but it was also car free.  I was behind the wheel until 7 am, at which point my tired eyes and nearly-bursting bladder got their way.  Four straight hours with a gallon of liquids (mostly diuretics)…you do the… Read more >

Flashback Friday: Hawaiian honeymoon day 6

The last day 🙁 How sad that I’m now reliving the angst that accompanied this island goodbye all over again… Since our flight’s departure wasn’t until 5 pm, we decided to make the most of our last day on Kauai and drive up and around to the Northern part of the island that we hadn’t yet seen.  Along the way we stopped for lunch at a local veg-friendly joint that had been recommended to us for a good meal.  Mermaids Cafe was a hop, skip, and a jump away from being a ghetto hole-in-the-wall place. … Read more >