Hungry Hungry Hippie

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The Island of Misfit Toys

Shout out to anyone who recognizes this title (and picture).  Too bad VHS tape players are basically extinct because this is a classic as far as I’m concerned.  And now, may I present to you, our island of misfit toys… Sad, but true, these do not get used often enough.  I have no excuse.  It’s something I’m pretty ashamed to admit actually.  So I hereby vow to use both the slow cooker and the juicer once a week.  Do we have a deal?  Good.  The inspiration for this crock-pot soup came from here.  All I… Read more >

Untimely meals

Starting the day with stove-top oats is becoming a nice ritual on non-work days.  On Saturday, I woke up at 7:30 without an alarm (not ideal), but embraced it and jump kicked the weekend with some coffee…and blogging. Evidently, I took zero photos of my beautiful cup of joe. And yet, somehow I wound up with 800 pictures from my pumpkin oat cooking session.  The recipe isn’t rocket science, and yet, I feel like it’s so pretty that I’m committing a crime in not taking pictures. Don’t worry, I deleted half of them, so now… Read more >

Roasty Toasty Cocoa Nuts

This is probably the easiest recipe ever.  I almost feel like a fraud using the word “recipe.” As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been hankering for sweets in a major way lately.  Lord knows I have plenty of chocolate on hand, but what I was really craving was something more snack-like. I went to Whole Foods in search of something to satisfy my appetite… Sweet AND snacky?  What oh what could possibly meet such demanding criteria!?!  [sarcasm] After discovering they were out of candied ginger (the tragedy!!), I made my way to the bulk bins aisle. … Read more >

Coco & Cocoa & Cacao

Oh my!? It’s been a sweet sweet weekend so far in Hippie-land.  I’ll spare my male readers from any gory PMS details, but I think it’s pretty clear that my body’s chocolate cravings are well founded [as if you ever need an excuse to stuff your face with sweets!?]. My vampire schedule came to an end this week, and luckily enough, I slept like a baby through Thursday night.  It felt awesome.  And when I say that I slept like a baby, what I mean is I slept like a comatose patient, because my blackberry… Read more >

Is that a syringe in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

My second night shift would have been fine had I slept longer than 2 hours before starting it.  At least it was a learning experience…I now have a better idea of how to approach a schedule change.  I had coffee before starting the shift, and was doing fine until 1 am rolled around. Since my patients were stable and I was starting to do that eye-droop-head-nod thing, I decided to try and get some shut-eye.  When my phone alarm went off at 2 am, I was sooo confused.  Where am I?  Why are my pajamas… Read more >