Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Hosting history

Kyle and I threw a holiday party on Friday night…which proved to be a reminder of both how much we have and have not changed since college.  Nowadays, I approach these kind of events with a plan.  In college, I was too busy sleeping through my 2 pm classes…to-do lists weren’t even on my radar yet. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, and scrubbing were my forms of exercise yesterday.  My 20 year old self, on the other hand, was fairly gym diligent.  Making sure we are ready for out of towners drunken shackers hasn’t seemed to change…except… Read more >

That’s a lotta brown

Dude.  I can’t even begin to describe the past 18 hours.  I had a really rough day.  I was going a mile a minute from the second my shift started…and the first time I looked at the clock I was shocked.  Already 11:20!?!  Uhhhh…what!?  How could this be?  Because my job is time dependent (meds, blood draws, etc. all require a strict schedule) it’s rare that I’m not aware of the time.  Today, however, I never had a moment of rest.  Not even a millisecond.  I was definitely behind for most of the day…perpetually trying… Read more >

Breakfast, lunch, & chocolate

Breakfast. Froth. Pumpkin coconut oats. Lunch. Whole wheat pita with faux “tuna” salad and roasted red pepper hummus. This is a new brand of pitas and I couldn’t be more in love.  The fluffier, the better. Snacks. Three Sisters Cinnamon Sweets. Enjoy Life Boom Choco Boom bar. Do you really not know what this is? I totally Top Chef marathon-ed it for most of the day.  With many chocolate breaks. How a hippie eats a Reese’s vegan fudge peanut butter cup. *Note: you may want tea for between bites because this is one rich dessert…. Read more >

From drab to fab

In case you want a visual image with the post title, as you say it picture me snapping my fingers across my body with some serious sass.  And now roll your eyes. Ah well, we can’t all be divas. Nonetheless, my week’s work eats have been nothing short of amazing.  From drab… To fab.  🙂 On top of the quinoa, I chopped up the fattest pear I’ve ever seen (I’m not even exaggerating, it was a beastly looking fruit), and then some crushed cashews.  Not just plain cashews though.  I put them in a baggy,… Read more >

How about s’more

After Saturday’s nightcap, Kyle and I found ourselves sucked into an A&E marathon.  Has anyone else ever seen The First 48?  Because we had finished our Netflix-ed Dexter DVDs the previous night (and didn’t want to pay $11.99 for the Hyatt’s On-Demand films) our TV options were limited.  Turns out The First 48 is a really good show…so good in fact, that we’ve now seen the entire first season.  😉 Anyway, Sunday started the same as Saturday (plus football).  Coffee, pool lounging, gym time, and eventually lunch. We couldn’t help ourselves…and so we headed back… Read more >