Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

TGIF, I love you, man

I spent most of today outside, so my food pictures will be fewer than usual.  But that’s a good thing.  It means SUNSHINE! I woke up crazy early (thanks for that 6:55 am text Jess) and enjoyed some frothy java before heading to the gym.  I like getting my workouts done early when the weather is awesome…plus Jess and I had an appointment at Jenny Yoo to get to.  [insert 4 miles on the elliptical here] After the gym I showered, beautified, and chowed down the above brunch while trying not to get peanut butter… Read more >

back on the bike

Ok.  I have been slacking FAR too much in the work out department.  I have a freakin’ half marathon in a week!  What am I doing to myself?  I should be training, not watching the View working and pretending that’s a good enough reason to skip the gym. I woke up to sun, FINALLY.  Made some java.  Frothed some leche. Voila! Prepare to see an endless supply of bridal mags in the background of all my pics now…my future mother-in-law got me a year’s subscription 🙂 I was researching wedding locations all morning, and totally… Read more >

My blossoming relationship

I was so excited to get to sleep in today, until I woke up to my crazy co-worker calling me at the crack of dawn…there goes that.  In her defense, she’s crazy in a good way…still, when I’m with her, I don’t know if I should (a) shoot her up with Haldol or (b) just further feed her kookiness with my own wacky ways. *FYI: Haldol is a med for schizo patients She works night shifts, so we don’t actually work directly with each other, hence the ridiculously early phone calls on my days off. … Read more >

Mr. Mrsa

Love my contact precaution patients.  Having a patient with a MRSA infection is a blessing in disguise.  Why you ask?  Because most of the other patients on the unit are high risk for infection in their fragile post-op state, so I can’t get a patient assignment with a fresh heart while I have my infected patient on contact isolation…score! I only had one patient today!  Granted he has a PEG with continuous tube feeds, tracheostomy requiring frequent suctioning, and IVs going around the clock…but still.  One parient = smooth sailing. I started work with a… Read more >

Un-lucky Irish

Happy St. Patty’s Day! I don’t have any morning pics because my computer crashed AGAIN, so now it’s in the hands of the geek squad…more on that later though. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. I had the usual coffee and a piece of toast with Earth Balance (approx. a mountain of it). I felt a little guilty chugging coffee knowing I was heading to the dentist’s office in an hour, but I got over it pretty quick (once I realized exactly how scary the zombie-like alternative was). I’m proud to report my dentist’s appt… Read more >