Hungry Hungry Hippie

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BEST year starts now

Let’s be honest, we all want to be the best we can be.  This isn’t about 2011 resolutions, though.  This is about making the most of your life, now and always.  This post shares some of my struggles with IBS.  I don’t want to suggest that my path is the right path or the path that will work for you, I’m just sharing my own personal story. I’m kinda a hippie when it comes to Western medicine.  I much prefer taking the prevention approach now – using diet, exercise, and supplementation responsibly to avoid the… Read more >

On the road again

Does it seem like all I do is drive?  Because it seems that way to me.  After a big celebration on New Year’s Eve, I was out of commission for most of the next day.  Kyle and I eventually hit the road after noon, leaving Chico in the dust snow.  We arrived home to my parents house a few hours later…just in time to watch the end of the Rose Bowl and dig into a family size vat of garlic hummus.  Half a loaf of bread later (not exaggerating), I snoozed, did laundry, and ventured into… Read more >

The start of something

Hello 1-1-11!  So nice to meet you.  I know you will be bringing me 365 days of joy.  Before I dig in, though, allow me to share how I dined on the last day of 2010.  Chico, California has a fairly decent hippie population so I wasn’t too surprised when our brunch on the 31st at Cafe Coda had delicious vegan options aplenty. In addition to the two huge french presses (see above), we ordered champagne for the whole table.  It’s never too early on New Year’s Eve right? I got the Veggie Masterpiece which… Read more >

The Eves Before the Eve

Happy 2011 everyone!  I know I promised the giveaway winners today, but I’m not quite ready yet… Since I’ve been MIA for the past few days, I have some catching up to do first.  Even though I got the 31st and 1st off of work, I was still at the hospital for the rest of 2010.  And so before ringing in the New Year, I packed up my lunches as per usual. The above is what I call operation use-up-leftovers.  Chopped NutsOnline dried figs + golden delicious apples + quinoa seasoned with stevia and cinnamon… Read more >

A sweets cycle

Breakfast #1 – awkwardly photographed home-made trail mix of raw almonds, raisins, carob chips, cheerios, and Three Sisters cinnamon sweets. Eaten while Kyle drove me to work at 6:20. Breakfast #2 – quinoa, shredded coconut, chopped apple, goji berries and dried cranberries. Eaten between grand rounds at 10ish. I have discovered a new way to eat quinoa that makes for an amazing breakfast…allow me to share with you. First, I add soy milk to it.  I fill it to the top like I’m adding milk to a cold cereal.  Then, I microwave it for a… Read more >