Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Take a picture

How many photos do you take of the same dish before feeling like you adequately captured the meal’s deliciousness? Sometimes I feel like a nut job circling the table taking a million and one pictures of the exact. same. thing. Dancing around doing laps like a hawk stalking it’s prey. Until I finally feel satisfied that I got the perfect picture of breakfast. Who would have thought the lighting of effing oatmeal would ever be so important to me.  I hope I’m not the only one… Anyways, clearly this morning’s breakfast was oatmeal.  Nothing new… Read more >

The proof is in the pudding

They say evidence is damning.  And I have to agree.  My camera has been revealing some of these truths.  Here’s proof… …that I should always cook oats on the stove or eat them raw  …that working three shifts in a row can cause you to add extra zeros (at least it was the microwave – which has far less disastrous consequences than a patient’s meds!) …that everything is salvageable (just add nut butter) …that I will never get bored of apples …that you can make quinoa “ghetto” …that my patients are turning me into a… Read more >

This is my balance

A few days ago Kailey posted about her idea of balance and then she encouraged others to share their own version. To me, balance is not getting stressed out about making things even and constant.  It’s just not realistic pour moi.  Because I work such long hours, but then have full days off in between, I know that each day will be new and different than the last. I work weekends, night shifts, day shifts, holidays, whatever.  And I’m never sure of how my day will go either.  Will my patient load be easy and… Read more >

Appetite appetite appetite

What the [bleep] was up with my appetite today!?  Good thing I had packed a beastly amount of food because, lemme tell you, I woke up with a hunger that just wouldn’t quit.  As per usual, I started the day with Jillian (Level 3 of the Shred).  I felt great throughout the 20 minutes of this, that, and the other – it’s crazy how energetic it gets me at 4:30 am.  But as soon as I got out of the shower my stomach was growling like a crazy rabid Rottweiler.  This is pretty atypical for… Read more >