Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Getting gifts from patients

I’m happy to report Thursday’s shift was MUCH better than Wednesday’s.  I had the same patients, but they were much more stable after the previous day’s shenanigans.  I actually prefer having the same patients regardless of how sick they are because there’s a level of familiarity for both me and the patient.  Plus, continuity of care minimizes the chances that stuff will get lost in communication between other care givers, and it’s nice to develop a rapport with them as well as a routine.  Speaking of routines. I packed up my goods, as per usual…. Read more >

Corn flour & coconut tofu

There’s quite a bit of confusion surrounding the difference between corn flour and cornmeal.  They are not entirely different, but after doing further research, I found the following.  1. Corn flour is ground finer than corn meal 2. Corn flour has a stronger taste 3. Corn flour is more commonly used as an ingredient in a recipe, whereas cornmeal is a staple in many countries’ diets. 4. Cornmeal can be made from white, yellow, or blue corn (or any combination of the three). I chose Bob’s Red Mill Corn Flour on a whim.  Theirs is… Read more >

We all made it out alive

Today was insane but I’m too drained to go into very much detail about it.  It’s a miracle I made it out of this past shift alive, and even more amazing that all my patients did too.  They were circling (the drain), and I wasn’t having it.  As soon as I finally thought I had solved one problem, another (even bigger one) arose.  It was 100% one of those days.  How can you be FOUR hours behind just ONE hour into a shift?  It’s puzzling, but I actually think I managed to find a wormhole… Read more >

Would you hold it against me?

If I told you I’ve been blasting the new Britney Spears song on repeat for most of the day?  You probably should.  It’s not exactly brilliant in the lyrics department.  It’s catchy, but overly repetitive.  At least it inspired me to make a new running mix…which inspired me to go on a run…which made me feel like a million bucks for the entire day.  Chain reaction a la B. Spears. This morning started with a late wake up.  Unlike yesterday’s garbage truck fiasco, this was the perfect way to enjoy my morning off.  Then I… Read more >

A break from butternut

I still have 7 more butternut squashes to use… But my skin is looking eerily similar to Snooki’s so I think a pause on the butternut intake is probably best. Not straying too far…I filled my butternut void with acorn squash. Nutritionally speaking, they are similar pretty much the same.  Both are excellent sources of manganese, potassium, calcium, vitamin A (in the form of B-carotene) and vitamin C.  And they are packed with fiber. In other words, my orange glow will soon be upgraded to oompa-loompa status. If you are wondering about what else B-carotene… Read more >