Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Buckwheat groat pudding

Buckwheat is kinda amazing. To avoid confusion, let me just clarify right now that buckwheat is not actually related to wheat.  Despite it’s common name and grain-like use, it is in fact a gluten-free pseudoseed (meaning it’s neither grain, nor grass, nor cereal).  Other pseudoseeds include quinoa, amaranth, and chia. Anyway, since this gluten-free crop is used very similarly to wheat, it functions nicely as an alternative for those with gluten intolerances or coeliac disease. It can be eaten raw (soaked or sprouted) as well as cooked (on it’s own or as buckwheat bread or… Read more >

A caffeine saga

I worked Monday and Tuesday.  This means that I’m now playing catch up in life and on the blog.  Being out of town this weekend meant that my pre-work food prep was minimal.  However, Kyle and I stopped on the way home from San Clemente for a huge grocery shopping trip, so it wasn’t a complete scavenger hunt.  For breakfast I mixed up my normal oat routine by adding in wheat bran.  Also in the mix was a chopped up baby yellow delicious apple, cinnamon, stevia, and raisins.  The wheat bran didn’t change much in… Read more >

A weekend of PACKing it in

I just found out it’s a holiday weekend.  Who knew?  Hospitals obviously don’t shut down and so I work Monday, but I still made the most of this weekend. The PACKERS win was clearly a highlight. Who would have known a kid from Chico would be the next big thing?!?  Love it. Congrats Aaron.  🙂 We also celebrated a friend’s birthday with a night on the town. Dinner was at the ridiculously expen$ive Boa Steakhouse.  Seriously.  So.  Expensive.  I was nervous about the vegan options on the menu after calling beforehand and discovering it was… Read more >

Squash patty-cakes

I’m slightly embarrassed by how long this post has taken to write. I prepped the ingredients over a week ago. I steamed the squash, cooked the quinoa, thawed the spinach and edamame, and assembled the team of seasonings. Then I mixed everything together in a tupperware and forgot about it.   The other day, however, I remembered it in the back of the fridge and quickly took action. I formed patties out of the mix, rolling them smooth between my palms before adding them to a hot pan. Blurrrrry. Some were too difficult to flip… Read more >

Is it January?

East Coast readers avert your eyes. This is the morning view from our rooftop.  I went upstairs in a tank top and boxers after pouring my first cup of joe.  And it’s mid-January.  I couldn’t even finish my coffee because it was too hot! Instead, I made some fresh lemonade with stevia and the juice from one whole lemon.  With temps in the high 70’s there’s only one thing to do! Bust out the blender. Green monster time!! My perfect summer LA winter smoothie included: 1/2 cup almond milk fist of spinach 1/2 cup frozen… Read more >