Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

LAME-o was her NAME-o

I woke up super early for work today, washed my face, brushed my teeth, threw my afro into a pony, and grabbed my pre-packed lunch from the fridge…when the day kinda took a rough turn… Tumbler full of coffee meet hardwood floor.    Blog world meet the culprit. **Gena, I TOLD you I shouldn’t be trusted with a cleaver!!! I headed off to work grumpy and non-caffeinated.  Not a great start to the day. Today’s pre-packed eats: Big ‘ol salad, strawberry/pomegranate odwalla bar, apple, dried papaya spears and mangoes.  Spinach, broccoli slaw, shredded carrots, clover… Read more >

Tummy says RAWrrrr

I slept in forever today!  Initially, I got up at 8, but decided a few more minutes of shut-eye couldn’t hurt…next thing I know, it’s 10 am!!  Whoa, I can’t even remember the last time I slept in that late.  Generally I feel like I’m starting off the day behind when I miss so much of the morning, but to be honest, getting in the extra zzzz’s today felt glorious. Coffee + crossword = happy grandpa Elise Newman’s Own organic raisins are gooey and I like it.  I drowned a few handfuls in my strawberry… Read more >

fact: I love Newman’s Own

Last night I got the best surprise.  After 10+ hours of traveling I was so excited to find a HUGE package waiting for me (TWSS). Holy So.Much.Stuff.   Newman’s Own hooked it UP!!  Can you even believe all these goodies fit in a box.  This is my heaven. I hardly knew where to begin!  Even though it was well past midnight I had to try something (duh).  I think it’s pretty obv what I wanted, since K has been making my mouth water for days…HERMITS! Stats for the original flavor: Organic Unbleached Wheat Flour, Organic… Read more >

I’ve got B.O. (beets and okra)

Don’t worry I’m a clean hippie.  Showers are me time.  But wait ‘til you see my lovely dinner…it’s packed with salad newbies.  But first things first.  I have no idea why, but I woke up WAY freakin’ early.  On a non-work day, WTF!?  Anyways, I had a frothy mug of joe to get things rolling…followed by a strawberry chobz with diced strawberries on top. Mmmm…look at all that greek yogurt goodness.  I also had an apple while reading blogs and watching last night’s Gossip Girl and The Hills killing some brain cells.   After I… Read more >

how nutty

Sometimes I’m a walking contradiction.  Case in point: nuts are not my thing, nut butters on the other hand, are TOTALLY my thing.  I am not very vocal about my distaste for nuts, because, well, frankly, it’s a bit embarrassing in this food blog community.  But today, I broke out of my shell (pun intended) and had my first nut milk experience.  **A HUGE thanks to everyone who commented with recommendations on my previous post about non-milk milks.** As for the almond milk…It was…interesting?  I can’t even think of any way to describe it.  Definitely… Read more >