Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Back to life, back to reality

Soul II Soul anyone?  HA! OK, but seriously, I am sorry I’ve been MIA. Turns out, my computer was not pleased with me, and decided to take it out on the power cord… I guess that thing is supposed to be straight, not stuck at a 45 degree angle? Nothing $50 and an overnight express order can’t fix… Good thing I have my own personal Geek squad member Kyle to diagnose such problems! Soooo, YEA!  I’m baaack!  WooHoo!  I missed you all!  I have a lot to catch up on, too. Although, to be fair,… Read more >

Carb-o loading for fun

Froth-a-licious! It was a VERY berry morning.  Strawberry chobz + even more strawberries. These were the Arnold Schwarzenegger of strawberries.  They were SO huge, I think I only needed 4 to fill the bowl to the brim! See!!  Massive!  For lunch, I made a Philly NY cheese steak seitan wrap…yeahhhhh, my version has nada to do with the greasy, cheesy, meaty dish made famous by the city of brotherly love.  Oddly enough though, seitan with veggie slices kinda reminds me of the artery clogging sammie (as gross as that is to admit).  Fortunately, my wrap… Read more >

whatevah, I do what I want

Because yesterday’s post prompted such passionate and wonderful comments (I love you guys!!!), I’d like to post my response, just in case some people don’t check follow up answers in the comment section.  This is just such a great discussion matter… First off, can I just say how PROUD I am of the responses I have gotten on this issue, not just as a (self proclaimed) foodie, but as a female in general! You all are absolutely right, it can be a slippery slope from checking portion sizes to obsessively counting each and every calorie… Read more >

hummus soup

Sundays = the end of the weekend SAD! Unfortunately, this Sunday was especially blah. The cloudy, overcast weather pretty much reflected how I felt.  Enter caffeine love. In the interest of preserving my current mood, I’m going to stop reflecting on yesterday’s thoughts…just know I was kinda a Debbie Downer all day.  I’m not sure why, as there was no true reason I should feel gloomy – I was just stuck in a funk. Blueberry chobz + dried papaya spears + apple slices + melon = pretty fruity breakfast! After my AM sugar loading, I… Read more >

6.2 dripping wet miles

Rise and shine sleepy heads…time to run a 10K!  Weekends are the best, the BEST! Although the weather was looking pretty ominous, Kyle and I dragged our feet to the park for the 9 am start.  After we were adequately packed herded into our corrals, the horn blew, and we nudged our way forward to the actual start line…next thing I know, it’s freakin’ POURING.  Like, massive sheets of rain.  My pants, shoes, and socks absorbed so much water I felt like I had an additional 20 lbs. in my lower body.  It was like… Read more >