Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Cafe Blossom success, sleep fail

Talk about karma.  Sleeping in ‘til noon yesterday backfired hard core last night!  Neither Kyle nor I could fall asleep, and as we watched the hours on the clock tick by, we finally decided enough was enough…so we got back up at 2 am and watched some tv.  Sleep FAIL. At 4 am I still wasn’t tired, but I forced myself back to bed…Kyle fell asleep (lucky ^%$) while I tossed and turned until 6 am.  Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to set my alarm, so instead of sleeping ‘til noon again, I… Read more >

Hungry Tiger

**I’m not sure why, but I’m having tech related issues…update your google reader feeds to If you know what the title of this post means, I’m sorry.  Ha Ha. But that’s what I felt like (again) today.  I had 4 meals (not snacks, meals) AFTER dinner alone. OK, so back to the beginning… Hump day started off with an early morning wake up call.  Someone’s gotta save lives. To get me going, I went with a Trilogy Kombucha.  This is my FAVE flavor by far.  Mmmm… I had packed my lunch before, but it… Read more >

It’s sunny honey

Sunday came and went and I think I hardly blinked!  Normally weekends that I work creep by so sloooooooowly, but this weekend was over in a flash, which is fine by me, since I have Monday off.  Sorry to the rest of you with normal work schedules! Back to Sunny-day, though. SO excited to try my cute ‘lil tub-o-Tribe hummus. LOVE me some humdaddy, right Brooke! I sliced an apple up for increased dunking pleasure, but the hummus made it’s way to the salad more than anything else… YUM! I also had a new CLIF… Read more >

Enough salads already

Up at 5.  Out the door in under 30.  Not a record, but not too shabby either. I got to downtown way earlier than usual, so the bucks wasn’t open yet (eek!)…good thing I had Bruno’s to the rescue.  I’ve raved before, so my love for this tiny place is no secret, a small steamy coffee turned that frown upside down 🙂 Here’s my latest read.  I heart David Sedaris!  Makes the loss of express trains on the weekends somewhat tolerable.  I managed to avoid the local trains today, so all was good. Anyways, I… Read more >

Thursday, Wednesday, it’s all the same

Even though I had today off of work, I still had to set my alarm because I had an appointment.  So I was up and at em with the roosters pigeons (?), which was kinda nice because I rarely get to see my K love in the AM.  He made a massive pot of java, which I had with minimal frills (I was lazy and didn’t feel like frothing). Crossword & coffee makes E a happy hippie 🙂 Yesterday’s oats were so that I decided to repeat the morning routine.  This time I went… Read more >