Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

You are what you eat

Welcome to the HHH fridge (if you can even call it that)…I don’t care what they say ladies, size DOES matter 😉 Now you can see exactly how pathetic NYC living is, and why I am forced to go grocery shopping on a (nearly) daily basis. The door holds next to nothing.  So we can only have small cartons of milk.  Hence the frequent rotation in my non-milk beverages.  Most of the condiments are actually Kyle’s (along with the eggs, etc.)  Some key condiments are the Nasoya “mayo,” peanut butter, Country Bob’s All Purpose sauce,… Read more >

The Laws of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics states that heat is a form of energy, which can be transferred, but never created nor destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe always increases. The third law of thermodynamics implies that it is impossible to cool a system all the way to exactly absolute zero. Sure, it may seem weird to start a post with a science lesson, but like most other things in life, it can also be applied to food… 1.  Heat is a form of energy?!  Hell yeah it is!… Read more >

3 shifts, 3 bars, 3 bottles

Wuddup sissy-poos?  What’s crack-a-lack-in in the blog ‘hood? If the title confuses you, here are the latest trilogy of events in my life: I worked 3 days in a row, tried 3 new bars, and downed 3 bottles of Kombucha. I’m pretty sure I left off with my pre-packed eats for Sunday’s workity-work, which almost satisfied me, but needed a little supplementation at lunch time. Enter Grape Kombucha!!  Caroline, you were right, this one is divine!  It totally reminded me of popsicles on a hot summer day.  Too bad I was on my lunch break… Read more >

Facebook and falafel

Remember back in the day when Facebook was new and cool and only for nerds college kids?  Those were the good ‘ol days…now it’s open to everyone and their mother.  And I mean that literally.  Parents on a “social networking” site is just awkward.  I’m sorry if it seems harsh, but I think all kids with mid-life-crisis-prone parents need to sit them down and explain to them what’s up.  If we don’t stand strong now and prevent this from progressing, next thing you know you’ll be accepting “friend” requests from your college professors, or worse,… Read more >

Welcome back, or something like that…

You guys are so sweet for sending me happy-sleepy-time thoughts…I wish I could say it worked :(  After my seriously deficient shut-eye on Monday night, I was SO optimistic about getting to sleep extra early…I was all tucked in by 10 pm, ready to snooze the night away.  With my alarm set for 5 am, I thought 7 hours would be decent enough to get me through my first day back at work.  Talk about wishful thinking!! I fell right asleep, only to wake up at 11:00 confused as all hell.  Only an HOUR passed!?!  Grrrr… … Read more >