Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

I labored all day

Cha-ching!!  Hear that?  That’s the sound of the $$ being deposited in my bank account after working a holiday.  Time and a half, yes please! (Sadly, I have a feeling the influx of cash flow on my end is probably barely enough to cover the amount oozing out of my better half while he is living it up in Vegas…) I gave the tropical fruit Larabar another shot (but ONLY for you Julie!) and I’m sorry to say, I still wasn’t a fan.  Want the proof?  I actually threw out the uneaten half.  Now, I’m… Read more >

Oot and aboot

No need to send out the search dogs, I’m alive and well.  In the last few days I’ve been hanging out with with my sis and working.  I worked the past two days, and Laura left to return to CA today (tear).  In the interest of just getting up to date, I’ll limit Tues through Thurs to the very upmost blog-worthy parts.  Not that everything I write isn’t thrilling… Me + Laura + WF lunch + central park = happy day The sun was BLAZING, so the photos were all soopah bright.  In case your… Read more >

Salutations to the weekend

Boy oh boy is it exhausting taking NYC by storm in one weekend!  Sunday’s weather was far nicer than Saturday’s (in that there was less rain), but JUST as nasty in terms of humidity… I still started the day with java and fruit.   There may have been a bit of a SoapNet marathon throughout the AM.  Is there a better show to get ready to start the day than 90210?  I think not  🙂 After digesting and beautifying, we set off for Brooklyn. I love the promenade/DUMBO area.  So cute – and such great… Read more >

I’d rather be in Boston

I wouldn’t even know where to begin.  It was such a stressful (work filled) weekend, I’m just glad it’s over and I made it through.  I am far too exhausted to type, so I won’t be sharing the latest ICU happs.  Instead, I’ll stick to the food. Saturday’s pre-packed snacks/lunch included some oldies (pistachio, almond, goji, dried cranz mix), TJ’s “Go Rah” Trek Mix bar, dried fruit, yadda yadda – and some newbies.  I have seen these MoJo bars throughout the blog world before, but thought they were some urban legend.  Turns out, they are… Read more >

All I want is peace(food)

I worked both days this weekend.  So on Saturday, while everyone else was frolicking in the sun, I was dealing with my patient who decided she was through with the hospital, and removed her own chest tube.  Don’t worry, she’s fine (physically at least…psych-wise I’m still on the fence). Anyways.  Yummy pre-packed food includes: raisin/almond/cashew/carob chip mix, dried mango/papaya, Tribe hummus mini-tub, apple, raw salad, and some bars. Odwalla Superfood (I heart every green millimeter of this flavor) and a Cashew Cookie Larabar (also a favorite). The rest of the day flew by uneventfully (just… Read more >