Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

10 reasons

Thursday was muy bueno and here’s why: 1.  I got to sleep in.  Hooray! 2.  Coffeeeeeee 3.  I totally had nothing but fruit all morning (fruit, fruit, and more fruit). 4.  I got to use my brand new Polar F6 HRM.  5.  At long last, some quality cardio time!!!  (Yes, this overlaps with #4, but I was so so thrilled, it deserves 2 points). 6.  I made a delish sando out of Nature’s Pride bread stuffed to perfection with some slightly rando ingreds. (sweet potato, avocado & smart deli “turkey”) Holy yum, try this now. … Read more >

How many apples?

Coffee + fresh fruit + bridal mags = perfect rainy day morning I literally can’t get enough fruit lately.  It’s practically all I crave (aside from hummus, I mean).  Around the clock.  Every hour, on the hour.  Strawberries, pineapple, and apples – oh my!   Which do you like more, my voracious apple-tite (#2 before 11 am), my cheesy desktop background photo, or my stunning steel colored nail polish? For me, it’s a toss up.  Apples are simply THAT good, and judging by everyone’s comments on yesterday’s post, it sounds like I’m not the only… Read more >

Fall colored food

I didn’t even realize how ridiculously orange my meals were, until I uploaded all the pictures…holy naranja!  I woke up fairly early for my day off, which allowed time for serious AM chowing.  This mug vat of coffee had froth up the yin-yang (just the way I like it).  I also toasted an English muffin and caked on the Smart Balance light.  Puddles of butter normally skeeve me out, but for some reason I craved it today. Throughout the morning I read blogs and snacked on lots of fruit.  Gotta enjoy the (dwindling) sweet part… Read more >

Sore and more with chickpeas

I have been a slacker!  Rather than let these photos cause my 900th computer crash fall by the wayside, how about we play a quick little game of catch (up)? Last week, vital wheat gluten met my bestie, the chickpea. I went with the tried and true (recipe from V’con) for chickpea seitan cutlets.  Can cookbooks win Pulitzers?  So simple, so genius.  I barely let them cool before taste testing them out on a piece of bread (and subsequently losing a layer of skin on the roof of my mouth).  Yum yum. The magic bullet… Read more >

Making love to my Luna

I hereby dedicate this post to everyone who has de-lurked lately.  I LOVE hearing from you all, and it makes me so happy to know that you get ideas from my blog.  That said, several peeps have been asking for tips on packing lunches.  Well, I aim to please, so here’s a post packed with some of my latest eats that I have brought to work.  Lord knows, it’s hard to prep for 12 hour shifts, especially when you have no clue when (or IF) you will get breaks to eat.  So, I do rely… Read more >